Cancer is looked at as this elusive thing, when in all actuality, it is something that
happens every day in every person. You develop one million cancer cells in your body every day. And, every day, your body kills one million cancer cells. Also for a better understanding we must realize how cancer works ….being Valentines Day is tomorrow lets remember love ones lost, especially Ruby Ellis’ son Jared
What is cancer? Cancer is not a tumor. A tumor… is the name given to a group of
cancer cells. Cancer cells are mutated cells. And every day you develop about one million mutated cells in your body. And every day of your life, your body gets rid of those cancer cells. Even if you have a tumor, up until you got that tumor, every day of your life, your body developed one million cancer cells, and every day, your body got rid of them. W E M u s t F i g u r e O u t C a u s e N’ E f f e c t ?
Your body is amazing. Every second you produce 50 million new cells. Every second your body makes 50 million new cells. Every second your body rips apart the genetic code in 50 million cells. Every second it duplicates 50 million cells. Every second. Now, in that process, with SOOO many cells being made in one day. There is bound to be an error here and there. Imagine copying 50 million pieces of paper every second. Do you think you might make an error or two, or a million? Exactly. As your body creates 50 million new cells each second, there are some errors. And these errors are cancer cells.
Your body created a system to deal with this, because it knows errors happen. So your immune system works every day to kill off these cancer cells. While some people realize the importance of an alkaline balance others understand through research how it also regulates itself through the kidneys for greater awareness?
What happens when you get a tumor is that your body does not kill off these cells that have divided wrong. Your body, for whatever reason, lets them grow. Most cells that are mutated grow and divide quicker than normal cells, so the damaged cells begin to grow and divide. And then you develop a tumor big enough to create medical symptoms and for the disease care system to detect and diagnose.
Now, wouldn’t it make more sense to fix the reason, ” why your body quit killing the
mutated cells?” What happened? Why did your body quit doing something it had done a million times each day for your entire life?
Better yet, if you got your body to start killing those mutated cells, those cancer cells, it wouldn’t matter why it quit. Maybe why might make a difference to keep it from happening in the future, but it wouldn’t matter now. Your body would be killing the cancer cells, and without any surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, your body would heal itself, just as your body has done a million times a day in the past. But the question of why your body stopped killing these mutated cells is not addressed by the medical symptoms and disease care system.
Cells and radiation
The cell cycle phase is important because usually radiation first kills the cells that are actively dividing. It doesn’t work very quickly on cells that are in the resting stage (G0) or are dividing less often. The amount and type of radiation that reaches the cell and the speed of cell growth affect whether and how quickly the cell will die or be damaged. The term radiosensitivity describes how likely the cell is to be damaged by radiation.
Cancer cells tend to divide quickly and grow out of control. Radiation therapy kills cancer cells that are dividing, but it also affects dividing cells of normal tissues. The damage to normal cells causes unwanted side effects. Radiation therapy is always a balance between destroying the cancer cells and minimizing damage to the normal cells.
Radiation doesn’t always kill cancer cells or normal cells right away. It might take days or even weeks of treatment for cells to start dying, and they may keep dying off for months after treatment ends. Tissues that grow quickly, such as skin, bone marrow, and the lining of the intestines are often affected right away. In contrast, nerve, breast, brain, and bone tissue show later effects. For this reason, radiation treatment can cause side effects that might not be seen until long after treatment is over.
Cancer Cells and Chemotherapy
Cancerous tumors are characterized by cell division, which is no longer controlled as it is in normal tissue. “Normal” cells stop dividing when they come into contact with like cells, a mechanism known as contact inhibition. Cancerous cells lose this ability. Pictures of cancer cells show that cancerous cells lose the ability to stop dividing when they contact healthy cells. This is one fact …. I don’t understand “why they don’t supplement?”
Cancer cells no longer have the normal checks and balances in place that control and limit cell division. The process of cell division, whether normal or cancerous cells, is through the cell cycle. The cell cycle goes from the resting phase, through active growing phases, and then to mitosis (division).
The ability of chemotherapy to kill cancer cells depends on its ability to halt cell division. Usually, cancer drugs work by damaging the RNA or DNA that tells the cell how to copy itself in division. If the cancer cells are unable to divide, they die. The faster that cancer cells divide, the more likely it is that chemotherapy will kill the cells, causing the tumor to shrink. They also induce cell suicide (self-death or apoptosis).
Chemotherapy drugs that kill cancer cells only when they are dividing are called cell-cycle specific. Chemotherapy drugs that kill cancer cells when they are at rest are called cell-cycle non-specific. The scheduling of chemotherapy is set based on the type of cells, rate at which they divide, and the time at which a given drug is likely to be effective. This is why chemotherapy is typically given in cycles.
Chemotherapy is most effective at killing cells that are rapidly dividing. Unfortunately, chemotherapy does not know the difference between cancer cells and the normal cells. The “normal” cells will grow back and be healthy but in the meantime, side effects occur. The “normal” cells most commonly affected by chemotherapy are the blood cells, the cells in the mouth, stomach and bowel, and the hair follicles; resulting in low blood counts, mouth sores, nausea, diarrhea, and/or hair loss. Different drugs may affect different parts of the body.
Chemotherapy (anti-neoplastic drugs) is divided into five classes based on how they work to kill cancer. Although these drugs are divided into groups, there is some overlap among some of the specific drugs. Further sections discuss several different types of chemotherapy in the effort to further explain these important procedures.
More Chemotherapy Information:
Chemotherapy Terms
Chemotherapy Protocols – How Chemotherapy Works
How Chemotherapy Is Given
How Doctors Decide Which Chemotherapy Drugs To Give
How Long Chemotherapy Is Given
How To Tell If Chemotherapy Is Working
Cancer Cells & Chemotherapy
Types of Chemotherapy
Targeted Therapy
The Immune System
About Immunotherapy
Hormone Therapy
Chemoporotective Agents
Chemotherapy Resistance
Short & Long Term Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Cancer Clinical Trials
In fact, your body’s killing cancer cells is what the medical symptoms and disease care system ends up relying upon in the end. The medical system just looks at getting the cancer out, and who cares about why you stopped killing these cells yourself? They do their chemo, radiation and/or surgery and then, and at the very end, they rely upon your inner wisdom. They hope that your body is able to get rid of any cancer cells that might be left. The following idea is my theory, which is really no different than what the medical profession has, because they only have a theory as well. They only difference is that more people subscribe to their theory. Popular opinion is no measure of validity, because at one point in America it was popular opinion that burning people at the stake was a good idea.
Cancer does not metastasize and spread. Cancer does not pick up its bags, and travel somewhere and find a new home. You hear the doctors say, “We have to get it early before it metastasizes.” Here is my theory:
There is part of your DNA that is constructively, with intent, mutating itself to try to better deal with the perceived environment. Every cell has the DNA needed to make any cell that is within your body and, at any one time, 50 million cells are mutating. So when cells mutate specifically with intent, they do so in more than one place. If one of these mutations that happened in multiple places doesn’t end up serving the body, the body usually gets rid of these cells.
But if, for some reason, the body does not recognize the cancer cell as cancer, it will not get rid of the cells, and the body will not get rid of those mutated cells anywhere they are in the body. If these cells are left to grow, the body has a different blood supply, oxygen supply, and all sorts of other factors that are different in all the different parts of the body, so of course the cells will grow at different rates, and the tumor, or group of cancer cells, will show up in some places before others. If this continues, eventually you will see tumors in other parts of the body. They all started at the same time. No one metastasized. That is why tumors can often seem to be of the same origin.
I am not saying no cancer metastasizes. I think some do. The body’s lymph system is like a sewer system; its job is to filter out all the garbage, including cancer cells, from the lymph. Then your immune system has a concentrated place from which to launch its attack. This is very efficient. But sometimes the cancer cells can grow in these lymph nodes, wherever they are in the body.
This to me is also the reason why in so many people the cancer comes back later. The doctors never really dealt with why the body was not killing the cancer cells in the first place. They just focused on getting rid of the cancer.
If you have a plumbing leak and the bathroom floor is flooding with water, do you
just keep mopping up the water, or do you find out why the water is on the floor and fix that? If the body is not getting rid of cancer cells, you are developing cancer cells in your body. Do you just keep killing the cancer cells, or do you look at why your body quit killing those cancer cells?
I would recommend everyone who has or wants to prevent cancer, read this page first. If you do not understand any of the facts below, simply read the supporting information – just click on the links underlined in blue. They will explain the concepts more thoroughly.1. You must treat the person, not just the cancer. It doesn’t matter what type of cancer, or how far it has advanced, or metastasized, or whatever. You must treat the causes behind why someone got the cancer in the first place. (click on the not just one cause of cancer link below for how you treat the individual person)2. You must understand there is NOT just one cause of cancer. There are many contributing factors to cancer.
3. You must understand what is cancer, how does cancer form, how does cancer come about, and who gets cancer.
4. You must increase the function of your immune system to help heal your body from cancer. Essiac is a great herb tea used for doing this, see below.
5. You must decrease the things contributing to cancerous cells in your body.
7. You must change the things in your life that were causing the cancer, to prevent cancerous cells from coming back.
I know many natural health care practitioners who are helping 80-90% of the people they see heal themselves of cancer, and this is usually with people the medical symptoms and disease care system has given up on. I think the numbers would be even better if natural practitioners got the “easy” cases as well.
So what can you do to help your body heal when you expressing symptoms of cancer? There are a few things that have shown to be very beneficial that you can add to anything you are already doing.
1. The biggest one is adding to your level of health. Doing what it takes to increase the level of health in your body. Doing at least 7 things every day to increase your health and wellness. If you don’t know exactly what this means, read my book, “The Creator’s Manual for Your Body”.
2. Another is an herb/tea mixture called Essiac. It is a specific combination of herbs that you make into a tea and drink. It has produced miracles for people who have had no other hope. Might even be on the superlative supplement list with chemotherapy?
There is a book called “Essiac – The Secrets of Rene Caisse’s Herbal Pharmacy” by Sheila snow and Mali Klein.
I sell the Essiac formula on my website, and with a little bit of time, you can make it yourself for really, really cheap. I tell you how to make it yourself if you want here.
Dr. Jamie Fettig
You can also buy Essiac for unreasonable amounts of money elsewhere on the internet. But I wouldn’t recommend this.
That is the cheapest you will find it anywhere.
I would use Essiac if I had cancer no matter what else you choose to do. The worst case scenario is the Essiac tea does nothing. The best case is it completely helps your body heal itself of the cancer.
Can the doctors say that about the chemo? Or radiation? Or surgery?
Anything that helps your immune system can also benefit you. Mainly because it is your immune system that gets rid of the cancer cells on a day-to-day basis. So if your immune system is working better, so will your body’s ability to get rid of cancer cells. So remember, cancer is not everything your medical doctor necessarily says it is. Follow your inner knowing and do what your inner knowing tells you to do.
3. Find a practitioner or doctor who understands theses concepts who will help you figure out what is causing you to produce cancer cells and what is causing your immune system function to lapse. While also getting you in touch with the mind, body & spirit connection to help reduce the amount of cancer cells your body produces and increase the function of your immune system. Its also very important to do some of your own research and its that knowing from intuition helps in your survival chances.
Nutrition and supplementation is an important part of cancer treatment. Eating the right foods before, during, and even after treatment… helping you feel better and stay stronger. The American Cancer Society…. has prepared this guide…. to help you…. and your loved ones. Cope better with your treatment side effects…. that might affect how well you absorb nutrition as you eat. Chances are, if you are reading this booklet either you or someone you care about is going through cancer treatment. You will learn its about nutrition ~ nutrition ~ nutrition!!! Liquid Vitamins versus Pills…. and the Google Store?
T h i s i s H o w C a n c e r W o r k s b y J u d y S e e g a r ?