Some practitioners of alternative medicine treat cancer using unproven and unapproved therapies – especially those who market their treatment as a “cure” — have moved just across the Mexican border — where they are still able to attract US patients. Although there are certainly many legitimate cancer treatment centers in Mexico, many of these “border clinics” offer treatments that are unproven or simply don’t work.
Some also have offices in San Diego or other U.S. towns near the Mexican border. As these offices are used as contact points to find U.S. patients, who are then referred to the actual clinics in Mexico. Specific information can be difficult to obtain because of secrecy requirements: in some cases the clinics are operating illegally in Mexico — and are subject to closure — by Mexican authorities if they are caught.
One estimate is that there are about 35 to 50 alternative medicine clinics and hospitals in Mexican border towns, especially Tijuana. Investigative news reporters offer some accounts of what the clinics do, but getting good information on their actual practices can be difficult. Before entering some of these clinics, patients are reportedly required to sign agreements stating that they will not to talk to the press.
Oftentimes, reporters, investigators, and other outside observers are not allowed in. Despite these secrecy requirements, some family members have come forward to place complaints that their loved ones got worse or died shortly upon returning home, often after being told they were cured. Families have also told tragic stories of their loved one whose cancer was detected early enough to be treated effectively, but instead sought care in these border clinics.
By the time many of these people learned their cancer had progressed during alternative treatment, it was too late for conventional treatment that could have cured them. However, in past events for people like other cases, for instance, Steve Jobs whom seek every avenue conventionally, some estimates state alternative medicine kept him alive longer than the norm with his type of cancer.
This is a must read to spell out the truth and the road to healing and curing not being hoodwinked. The following letter was inspired by the tragic death of Steve Jobs to cancer. The war on conventional cancer treatments is a failure. This letter explains the reasons why this is so. It also explains why the incidence of cancer is far greater today than at any time in human history, and tells what must be done if the war on cancer is truly to be won, including what factors—too often ignored by conventional oncologists—must be addressed Thanks Sharika M.
Given Steve Jobs condition: being late stage when he started seeking alternative treatment. Most people are overwhelmed do I seek treatment in Mexico, Germany and is the grass any greener. Once I raise the money to go there given most insurance policies won’t cover the cost. Therefore, a rises my interest in the State of Arizona and the various treatments that can be found there. Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
When in ARIZONA: one should always be made aware the majesty in Sedona. The four best known Sedona spiritual vortexes are Airport Mesa, Bell Rock, Cathedral Rock and Boynton Canyon. Each of the vortexes are well- documented and publicized. In 1980, a local Sedona medium named Page Bryant acknowledged and named some of these vortexes, causing them to gain in popularity as places for spiritual awakening. When you start to research what Arizona has to offer — don’t forget to GOOGLE Arizona Cancer Clinic and the various alternative clinics sprouting up in that state before it’s to late. Thanks Star Stepping!!!