What Really Causes Cancer?
Did you know it is not necessary to kill cancer cells because cancer cells can be reverted into healthy cells? You probably think this is impossible because cancer is caused by DNA damage. Nope. DNA damage cannot occur until after the cell is already cancerous. When you consider That a 90% cure rate treatments, for example, can target cancer cells (to kill them or revert them into normal cells) and thereby, they can be given in very high doses because they do no harm to healthy cells even in high doses. Chemotherapy and radiation must be given in very low doses. Because they do not target cancer cells and thus they kill and damage many healthy cells. This could be reason why orthodox medicine (which uses chemotherapy) only has a 3% overall cure rate.
Let us start with three facts about cancer you have probably never heard before:
- Cancer cells can be reverted into normal cells (more than 20 treatments which do this are described on this website),
- Depending on the treatment that is chosen, 5-year survival rates (i.e. “cure rates”) for the same kind of cancer can range from 3% to 90% (almost all patients use the 3% cure rate treatments because they don’t know about the 90% cure rate treatments),
- Inexpensive, safe and gentle cancer treatments (with 90% cure rates) have existed for decades, but very, very few people know these treatments even exist. Finding a play list can be very beneficial !
If you studied the charts, the 5-year cure rate in America is 2.1%. In other words, five years after diagnosis, 97.9% of the cancer patients treated with traditional cancer treatments, meaning those who trust the media and pharmaceutical industry, are dead.
So what are the cancer treatments with 90% cure rates that the media is hiding? I will give you one quick example.
The late Dr. William D. Kelley, a dentist turned cancer researcher, treated over 33,000 cancer patients. Among those who went to him first, his 5-year cure rate was 90%.
Why hasn’t the media glorified Dr. Kelley? The reason is that Dr. Kelley used products that cannot be patented.
What did Dr. Kelley use? He used treatments designed by God. God doesnt have a PhD, but God designed the DNA for every species of plant and animal on this planet, including human DNA. By comparison, many scientists, who have lots and lots of PhDs, have studied DNA since 1953 and they still don’t have a clue what 97% of human DNA is used for. Asking a scientist to design human DNA from scratch would be like asking a mouse to design a jet engine or like asking a horse to pass an advanced calculus exam.
God put cancer treatments into Mother Nature for freedom for His children. In other words, Dr. Kelley used natural products from Mother Nature. They are frequently called “natural cancer treatments” or “alternative cancer treatments” because they don’t involve highly profitable patented drugs. This is where the 90% cure rate cancer treatments come from.
A Key Question
It is important for me to answer this question: “Will everyone who uses natural cancer treatments have a 90% chance of surviving their cancer?”
The actual chance of survival will depend on several factors:
1) How many, what kind, and for how long, has the patient used orthodox cancer treatments,
2) How long has it been since their orthodox cancer treatments were completed,
3) What kind of cancer does the patient have?
In a nutshell, in what condition is the cancer patient when they begin their natural cancer treatment? The expected cure rate can range from 10% to 90% depending on their initial condition. And it can become vast trying to find a list of supplements that work best for various cancer types? With much confusion in the market place !!!
The 90% cure rate is based on newly diagnosed cancer patients who have not had any orthodox cancer treatments. Also expected cure rates can drop to as low as 10% for cancer patients who have had “significant orthodox cancer treatments.” While having lost a lot of time because they didn’t know about natural cancer treatments and they have a very nasty type of cancer, such as brain stem cancer. In short, the expected cure rate depends on the condition of the patient, at the time, they began the treatment and the type of cancer they have.
Another key factor to survival is picking the best natural cancer treatment for their situation from your heart through research. That is what this website is all about
Global and personal approaches to cancer prevention and treatment, based on the known science, discussed by Laura Rozek, Ph.D., assistant professor of environmental health sciences at University of Michigan School of Public Health. She’s a specialist in population based-studies focusing on the epigenetic, environmental and genetic risk factors that contribute to the development of human cancer.