Collective Spirit

    WHY NAME A WEBSITE SOLITARIUS.ORG IS WHAT I HEAR OFTEN.     The reason is my father played the card game Solitaire often and keeping him at peace during his time of terminal illness. Watching this…. I always thought…. wouldn’t it be awesome to have a website where you could play through the hand and end up with the four aces (Answers to Cancer.) Also what  Solitarius  means to me …. is a one man’s mission…. to group all the information  and  people together providing  a support group  for those in need.  With some experts being lead to believe cancer originates  from the Solitary Nucleus in your brain…. where human functioning forms…. it is relevant information 

Doctors are very vague on this question because if they told you ( assuming they knew ) you would never accept their treatments which rather than deal with cause actually make it a lot worse.
There are only two reasons you have cancer and they boil down to
1. You have been poisoned.
2. You are deficient in the nutrition required by the body to fight back….
That’s it, not very complicated. As a result of the above two things you have become acidic and low in oxygen and your immune system has become compromised by being over worked ( toxins ) and under armed ( nutrients )
So to address cause you need to help your body remove toxins and give it all the nutrients it requires. All natural protocols seek to do this although some also use things to directly kill cancer such as Black Salve, Frankincense etc.
Stress plays a part because it both reduces the bodies ability to absorb nutrition and literally poisons the body with negative energies.
So hope that helps some people to make it as simple as possible because Doctors like to make it as complicated as possible as that way you need to rely on them. ~ Ethan Leeds ~

    When I began this odyssey of the mind in 2006 little did I know what I would learn. Starting out with the Hope  from a  prayer with a challenge to    meet  reach a goal.  That being…. building a centralized database of cancer research and the group page of cancer patient support.  Neither was simple while neither was impossible either.  Within the last six months through its trails  and the tribulations the Facebook group having grown to over 2000 members and continues to trend in  a  positive manner determining simple ways to prevent cancer. 

   While cancer research can be extremely perplexing sometimes confusing. What this group does so well…. through their own experiences is to help one another share information and links to website generously. The information on the internet can be baffling  with  arguments  both  ways  for and against. For instance some might say the Alkaline/Acidosis  Chart really isn’t all that important. While cancer survivors will tell you what you should/ shouldn’t consume when you have cancer.

Balance, Build and Strengthen Your Body… It Is Important To Keep Our Body’s pH Alkaline.

Scientific Study Has Proven If Our pH Is Overly Acidic, Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, And Even Cancer Cells Can Grow Faster.

Synergy’s Liquid Chlorophyll has powerful alkaline properties that help raise your body’s pH balance.  While  the 1915 Nobel Prize in Chemistry  was awarded to  German chemist,  Richard Willstatter,  for  his  studies  on Chlorophyll.

Keep your body alkaline and promote good health with Synergy’s Liquid Chlorophyll. Just two teaspoons of Liquid Chlorophyll is equal to over two pounds of green leafy vegetables  (in its ability to help aide the body’s pH balance to remain neutral)….

   One of  the main attributes along with all the hardship “grumbling that goes along with a group effort.” I get to talk one on one with members with diverse background inbox on Facebook.  With a recent conversation with a Cancer Coach  from  NYC Elyn Jacobswith our talked centered around the perfect attitude to heal, while considering the emotional aspect. Healing the conflict in your life first with what I feel should be deep breathing exercises, self guided meditation and energy work.

   With some members highly recommending Cellect Powder (with apricot kernels  and  the Budwig Protocol/ Modified Citrus Pectin.  While including green vegetable juicing…. we discuss the importance of chlorophyll and the most affordable juicers you may want to buy for your money. Occasionally we step out in the realm of controversy.  And Talk about  Cannabis Oil  and how it works for those that do the research and Protandim being as equally as controversial.

     Lately our chats having being centered around supplements and herbs that may be best for you. The members of our group have been a blessing in disguise for me with input into my mission  and I would like to  Thank  each and everyone that contributes information  to the threads of our group.  As we determine the different aspects of healing …. for instance:  is exercise a viable options that provides energy and the many aspects we talk about on   a daily basis.

Teal Swan has many videos that can be of benefit to many. In this video she describes the use of visualizations and certain emotional feelings that when done can change you.  If you set aside a little “therapy time” each day and practice feeling and visualizing certain things that you want to feel,  to replace unwanted emotions,  it will work.  This is true for abilities as well. You can bring them out thru seeing, feeling,  and visualizing them.  You need to be like a pit-bull wit…h these practices. See and visualize how you would like to be, especially as you are going to sleep,  when you wake up during the night,  and right before you get up in the morning. It will work, but you need to work at this, know in your heart that it is true. See it, feel it, and visualize yourself as such. This works on just about anything. What your mind and heart can see and feel, and what it also knows and believes.  It has no choice but to achieve.  Know this as it is true.  Use your mind  and  your own heart to your advantage. Make them work for you,  but you have to burn this image into your mind and that feeling into your heart for it to work.  As I try to give you all the tools that you need to help out in many ways, but ultimately it is you that will bring about your own success of lack there of. You are the one that makes things happen. Don’t wait for a miracle to happen because you are the living embodiment of that miracle already. As You also have the ability to make the changes you want to see and experience. “Be” the change that you want to see in the world.
Audie Herron

Here are 5 ways to detox and clean out your system this weekend so you can get back on track:

1. Drink plenty of… water…especially between meals. This will help flush your system and help the detoxification process progress.
2. Exercise more. Move throughout the day and schedule some intense workouts over the next few days to help metabolize excess calories and try to prevent them from taking up residence in your fat cells.
3. Eat as clean as possible. Plenty of fresh, raw veggies and fruits, cooked veggies, legumes, and whole grains so the fiber can help expedite travel throughout your digestive tract and help get rid of any toxins from the less-than-idea foods you may have indulged in.
4. Don’t be hard on yourself and enjoy the fun of the festivities. Stressing out is counterproductive and won’t help your body. This is the time of year built in for indulgences, so be kind and loving to yourself.
5. Avoid the “well, I already ruined my eating, I may as well keep eating junk food” mentality. One meal is one meal. Don’t turn it into a week or a month throughout the holidays as that will promote bad habits that you will need to work harder to ameliorate in the long run.

—>Tips for A Healthy Holiday Season:
—>Hydrating Properly:
—>5 Tips to Thrive This Holiday Season:
—>Move More:
—>Vegetarian Times‘ Weekend Detox:
—>My tips on to Detox Your Skin:
—>A Day In The (Vegan) Life:
—>Reluctantly Healthy Green Smoothie that fires up your metabolism:

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