In todays fast paced world and skyrocketing cancer rates be caused by a combination of high stress and anxiety, eating on the run while working long hours. For some maybe not yet, for others it leads to adrenal fatigue. Which is a condition when the body’s adrenal glands become over worked. While impacting everything from your energy to mood swings and alertness. Navarro Medical Clinical Test for Cancer!
As you get caught in this life style and start worrying and searching the plethora of supplements your life becomes even more complicated. The adrenals can put extra stress on the immune system to function properly. This can complicate the immune system’s response to fight everyday stressors: allergens, bacteria, toxins and viruses that will typically stimulate an immune response.
Many of the most important immune tonics are adaptogenic (they help the body adapt to the many physical and psychological barriers, stressors and changes that occur over time. In the practical sense, they have an effect of either stimulating or inhibiting immune responses according to what the body needs.
In this regard, the very action of immune modulations is amazing. For example: when exposed to inflammatory mediators such as the allergens from food or pollen. The body can initiate an inflammatory response to deal with the allergen, thereby, adaptogens can also help facilitate the removal of this allergen while initiating an extremely anti inflammatory response.
In those cases of the exposure to viruses and bacteria, the body can respond with a rapid deployment of the immune cells to kill off or incapacitate these pathogens. Immune modulators can increase the body’s own ability to effectively respond to the pathogen. Many immune modulators also enhance what is called, “host immune surveillance.”
This is part of the immune system patrolling the body looking for potential pathogens as well as abnormal cells, such as cancerous cells. When host immunity is robust, the body is more adept at responding to both pathogens and potentially abberant cells. Thereby, immune modulators have a beneficial role to play in both maintaining extreme good health and promoting longevity.
Furthermore, as we take a look at the importance of strong immune systems to counter the stressors. We must also first take a look at the immune modulators that are in the market ~ that are most affective at an affordable price. That reduces the risk of the life threatening nature of cancer.
This is my Top Twenty Holy Grail of Cancer Fighters:
1. Green Vege Juicing 2. Aloe Vera Juice 3. Astragalus 4. Milk Thistle 5. Mushroom Complex (Beta Glucans) 6. Chlorella or Wheatgrass 7. IP6 8. Selenium & Silica 9. Powdered Zeolite 10. Essiac Tea 11. Beet Root 12. Modified Citrus Pectin 13. Vitamin D3 14. Probiotics (Sauerkraut) 15. Turmeric /Curcumin 16. Freeze Dried Black Raspberry 17. Himalayan Salt 18. Liposomal Vitamin C 19. Unsulphured Molasses & Baking Soda and 20. Burdock, Red Clover and Black Cumin Seed Oil
Research these supplements yourself from the heart I can’t tell you !?!
Also from my Good Friend Angel Howerton had this statement:
Seems every week someone ask.
Or there Telling Me “I can’t get supplements in my country”