A lot goes through your mind when a cancer patient hears those dreadful words “you have cancer.” With so much being said about chemotherapy and radiation. With over half the population saying it’s a rip off and the medical industry is killing us for profit. What are the guidelines one should conceive before the cancer be treated. You can learn a lot scrolling through the first 20 blogs of this website but?
When you hear you have cancer your whole life changes and you address everything. Supplements to toxins, lack of exercise to your emotional well being. Realizing their are no over night magical pill. Our bodies takes along time to destroy itself and it will take along to heal itself. With everyone looking for the silver bullet you learn there is no such thing… I had to use Paula Doyle-Weigel words!
First and foremost as I consulted my good friend Alyssia Sade, we agreed that a cancer patient needs to build a “winning team.” Like a prize fighter the person needs people in their corner who can give second and third opinions. If one has the funds having 2 0r 3 doctors is the way to go — if they don’t speak nutrition find a doctor Naturopath that can advise you of supplementation.
Also understand the human body and how the immune system can be built back up given the right nutrients. Also one should get a hair analysis if they can’t afford a high dollar blood test (to see what the body was craving that enabled the cancer to develop in the first place.) Also we often hear cannabis oil works for terminally ill patients, however, that often happens because they seek cannabis physicians and don’t self medicate.
I am finding for most in the United States during this depression we live. With our fearless government officials not having a clue to fix and is far worse then they know. My impression how cancer can be caused through the interplay between farming, diet and nutrition. Vitamins and minerals are stripped from the ground which causes a mineral deficiency in our diet.
Also consuming a standard American diet of junk food that limit our body’s from gaining proper nutrition. We have malnutrition in the United States and don’t even know it. In the book written by Charles Walters, “Minerals for the Genetic Code.” This book explains how minerals works in groups of 4 synergistically. So for instance iodine and fluorine are in a group together.
Flourine trumps Iodine: so body processes that were once carried out using Iodine as a catalyst. Are now carried out using Flourine which can disrupts the smooth functioning of the body which leads to disease. While some believe mineral deficiencies are the single most important culprit to cancer. Others believe the reason lies in the delicate pH Balance between alkalinity and acidosis. Thanks for explaining that Lisa Williams
While some will tell you that the best method to get your pH balance is through baking soda. Others tell you like I believe green vegetable juicing is a far better method which supplies you with adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, (phyto) nutrients and enzymes the body needs. Often healing your body naturally requires vitamins, minerals & herbs to fight against cancer. Unfortunately, with no steadfast list to help which adds to a cancer patients confusion.
When you have cancer, I believe the single most important item 1 needs to do is build a support group that you can lean on during those tough days. Being their are no cures for cancer and fighting cancer is a hard struggle. Therefore, it’s important to do your own research when every little thing adds up to a big deal. With group pages like Solitarius on Facebook helping cancer patients find the light through the darkness.