This Is A True Account

   Related imageImage result for budwig with german quarks

While talking to a Facebook  friend last night whom told me an experience he had  with his wife and the Budwig Protocol.  His  wife  was  like  me  when I  first  heard  cottage cheese ….well  that’s  dairy.  While  his  wife had Triple Negative -ER, -PR, -HER2  Breast Cancer,  which  is  a non- hormonal driven  aggressive type.  She brought herself off  Budwig Protocol  for  fear of  dairy when she was responding to the treatment.

   In this interview he felt strongly his wife’s life would have been saved “if ” she stuck  to the program.  What Dr. Johanna Budwig  discovered way back then was  the emulsification of  Quark  (cottage cheese in all us)  mixed with flax oil produced  a sulphurated protein. Which was capable of  penetrating the cancer cell wall and reversing the deficiency of  the cell thereby, healing cancer naturally.

How the Budwig Diet Protocol for Cancer Works

    According to Johanna’s Protocol, patients to ill to consume the mixture   at  first  were treated with a retention enema using 1/2 to 1 cup of  oil daily.   The patients would try to hold the oil for as long as possible, aiming for 15 – 20 minutes. When the patient retained enough strength to be fed by mouth, they were switched to the mixture.

     Johanna  also  used body rubs of  oil  into the very ill as she rubbed oil   into the skin. Particularly on the armpits, breast and groin area where the lymphatic vessels were  and  also  on the affected organs  or areas. This oil was left on the skin  about 15 – 20 minutes  and then the body  was sponged with warm water.

    The  patient  then  rested  for  a  short  period of  time  while  the  warm     water drove the last of  the oil deeper into the open pores of  the body. This then  was  followed  by  a soap  and  water sponge bath  to  clean up the oil. As the patient  also regains the strength needed to eat,  they are gradually given the mixture until they can consume about 8 ounces of  it daily.

    As  Johanna’s patients improved  they also entered  a period of  intense therapy lasting  about three months.  As soon as her patients had achieved fortification  with  the oil by mouth.  They would take  in vitamin D rays of the sun for short periods.  Once the overt manifestations of  the disease had vanished, Johanna prescribe one tablespoon of oil per one hundred pounds of  body weight. 

    Being  there  are  only  two essential  foods  in this protocol  flaxseed oil (Barleans) and cottage cheese (Organic Valley) or some other sulphurated protein such as yogurt or kefir.  These oils  provides electron rich  fats that bind and make it water soluble.  In this state, the oils are also able to carry immense amounts of  oxygen straight  into the cells  (cancer cells can’t live  and thrive in an oxygen rich environment.)

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    The Budwig wants a patient to also  juice 40 ounces a day  compared to  Gerson therapy of  13/day.  Your body spends a lot of energy digesting food and  by  juicing  the body spends  more  time repairing  and healing with the enzymes it’s being fed. As well with some of the ingredients in Granny Smith apples having a high concentration of malic acid (a proven cancer fighter.) 

   With cancer your in a street fight and only the strongest survive,  fight it with everything you know and you will kill the cancer before it kills you. By adding berries to your Budwig Muesli that contains ellagic acid (blueberries and raspberries (cancer fighters) this add to the mega pill theory of rapture. Given often you hear  that Budwig Protocol  is counter active to vitamin C…. Johanna opposed synthetic vitamin C.

    High dose intravenous vitamin C  has a  pro-oxidant effect  as opposed          to the antioxidant effects of  high doses of  oral vitamin C, there is still some residual antioxidant action associated with the intravenous administration of  vitamin C  that interferes too much with the action of  the  flax oil  within the membranes of cancer cells. With the vitamin C regime coming to act like an antioxidant in addition to a pro-oxidant.  Anti – oxidants  can  nullify the
benefits of  the Budwig protocol

   While dozens of  studies  are out about  Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP)  in powdered  form being an adjunctive therapy. With 1 heaping tsp. in a glass of water 5times/day being recommended. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and website, studies show (MCP) induces apoptosis (which is programmed cell death),  has an anti-angiogenesis effect ( preventing blood vessel formation to tumor cells that feed the tumor.)

   Also  MCP  binds to  b-Gelactin protein ( inflammation in cancer patients) the molecules render it incapable of spreading and having anti proliferative, anti metastatic effect. MCP also enhances the effectiveness of  Chemotherapy and protects organs  from the ravages of  radiation.  With another item that you  might  want  to  consider  is  the  protocol  of  Dr.  Brian  Clement  of  the Hippocrates Health Institute  (Blue/Green Algae having every nutrient your body needs especially selenium and digestive enzymes.)

  Often over stated is the pH balance which everyone is inclined to think we must keep it above 7.5. Often patients misconstrue Dr.Tullio Simoncini work with sodium bicarbonate injested straight into the tumor as we should drink something dead as baking soda orally as the cure.  What taking baking soda really does is shoots through your stomach…. offsetting the HCL and messes up digestion and nutrient absorption.

   The pH balance  is  one  of  delicate balance  with  some  bodily  functions  both acidic and some that are alkaline (thereby,  you  need  stomach acid to absorb your nutrients.) Juicing within the Gerson or Budwig Protocols will provide you with the enzymes which drives the body to heal, to recover and will set the pH alkaline balance naturally.

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