I am a cancer survivor and back in the 90’s, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer. I was told I would probably be dead in six months. The doctor got busy scheduling me for several surgeries, chemo, spot radiation treatments and who knows what else. Since having cancer was new to me…. I started to go into a depressed mindset. Where I lived, every day I saw a little old man out walking who always passed my house.
I eventually met this old man as I was outside when he passed me by. He stopped walking and we got to talking. He asked me why I seemed so down, so I told him. He was one of the most “in your face” kinds of person I have ever met. His first statement after I told him was “What you going to do about it?” I started telling him about all the surgeries they planned when he stopped me. “No — what are YOU going to do?
Are you going to kill the cancer or let it kill you?” I was stunned. I had never heard this before. As I was thinking, he asked me “How much for a chicken?” I don’t know. I have never bought a live chicken. All I know is they sell chicken meat at the store. I guessed and said around $20, why? “For the price of a chicken, you could go to a Herbalist in China and let yourself be healed.”
You can be healed just with herbs? “Yes, the Chinese have been healing this way for 1000’s of years.” Since that time I have been researching herbs and their healing properties. First of all, I am not a doctor. I cannot tell you what to do or what to take. I have had a few years of medical schooling and training and I have attended to others in pain and going through cancer.
I have noticed that a lot of drugs that are prescribed by doctors (Chemo) do not work as well as they should. I refused my doctor’s surgery plans and was resolved enough to tackle my problems and cure myself. I did go back to see my doctor after…. I was supposed to be dead and he was very surprised. Since that time… I have been studying natural healings for almost 20 years now.
Before he died, the old Chinese man told me that all healing begins in our stomach. As we eat foods the stomach acid breaks down the food so we can ingest the nutrients. As we reach +/- 40 years old, our stomach starts to generate less acid to digest the food. This in turn causes acid reflux disease.
If you do not generate enough acid to break down your foods, you get very little nutritional benefit to the foods you eat.
Here is some information from Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, author of book Alkalize or Die. Many factors can contribute to various diseases. But, little is known about the fact that over-acidity causes more illnesses and all boils down to our unhealthy diet and standard of living. People are responsible to retain the pH balance of blood, as the main important factor in regulating our body temperature and strengthening bodily functions and systems.
A microbiologist, Dr. Young, states that over-acidity can totally interfere with life itself. Losing the alkalinity of your body corrodes body tissue and damage all cellular activities, blood circulation and hormone production. As much as our body’s effort to repair itself is to neutralize the excess acids, the tendency of borrowing essentials from alkaline reserves and minerals of our body such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium.
“Here are some of the health problems caused by an acidic body…”
• Overweight and Obesity
• Underweight
• Headache, Low Energy, Fatigue and Stress
• Allergies
• Joint Pain, Arthritis and Osteoporosis
• Constipation
• Frequent Colds, Bronchitis, Infections, Headaches
• Increase in Blood Sugar and Heart Attack
The stomach is the first organ we need to get correct. When once corrected, when your body is reset to alkaline, it starts to respond fairly quickly and allows the body to start to heal itself and start to self-correct the problems of being toxic. Normally it does not happen overnight to reverse all the damage we have done to it but we need to start somewhere.
If we can do the job of healing ourselves by using natural methods with no side effects then let’s do it. My final thoughts on the matter are that if you do not balance your body’s pH acidity levels first, then any other attempt at applying any healing herbs, oils, foods or drinks that will only be partially successful. This Is To Your Good Health. Howard Knox