Everyday I have new people asking about cancer how I cured myself. Well here is my cancer survivor story through the surf and cancer ward. I started surfing and making surf boards in the early 1970s while selling them in different shops and coming up with great designs for wet suits down at ONeills Surfshop.
Then all of a sudden skateboards became the “new rage” so I started making them. Thereby, Santa Cruz Skateboard noticed my boards and liked the design and performances. So they hired me to design their skateboards. Again this turned out not to be me as I didn’t like to be told what to design. So I went back to working sales at different surf shops.
Skimboarding, it was rapidly becoming the new fad while kids were riding and I knew I had to jump on the new wave. A skimboard for those that don’t know are skateboards that slides across sand and when it hits water becomes a board that can ride waves. So after making surf boards then skim boards for 30 years.
I received dreadful news: J – Gordon you have stage 4 throat cancer, the diagnosis came because the doctors thought the cancer originated from the toxin resin used for making the boards. Therefore, going the conventional route which I believed radiation and chemotherapy would be the solution. After under going this …. and I was termed cured.
However, as it turned out they were wrong. Three years later while undergoing a CT Scan while checking my throat. The CT Scan revealed a peach size tumor on my kidney and it had to be removed by surgery. About a month after that surgery another CT Scan showed, it not only, spread from the kidney, but also, into the adrenal gland and I had a small spot on my lung.
And to top it all off …. now the M.D. was saying, “he would have to remove the whole kidney.” Henceforth, I thought wait a minute give me time to think about this. Therefore, I went home and started to think as I Googled… everything I could do naturally… to save my kidney and after lots of searching. I discovered the Holy Grail of Herb Books that I believe would save my life.
The Healing Power of the Rainforest Herbs by Leslie Taylor N.D., is a book many times over that I am thankful for everyday for the rest of my life. While at first I could not figure out which herb to take. But I knew I was onto something and eventually decided to take the one’s they said, Chanca Peidra, Cats Claw, Graviola, Pau D’arco and Turmeric where the steady herbs that heal cancer.
Until later reading about the Shamans of the Amazon using the seven to treat their people of cancer. I knew I was on the right track and began using the seven they use in the rainforest (Anuma, Bitter Melon, Cats Claw, Graviola, Pau d’arco, Suma and Turmeric.) After 6 months of taking these seven rainforest medicinal herbs. I had another cat scan that showed all clear of any type of cancer and it was the happiest day of my life.
All the while remembering how alone being diagnosed with cancer made me feel. Today I’m helping people through my Facebook Page people from over 25 different countries with information on the different methods of fighting their cancer. As I become to realize that the rainforest cools the equator and it’s the lung of the earth. Its living, breathing and it saved my life… now its my turn to save its life as well. J – Gordon Skimboard
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