With everything in the universe working in unison, it’s amazing how all body functions work in the human body. This has become more apparent to me on a recent trip to a Homeopathic Counselor of nutritional and botanical screening. I experienced for myself and at first being apprehensive; thinking it a hoax when I started detailed research on this subject.
However, with extensive research on Electro Dermal Screening, I became more n’ more impressed and intrigued. The theory of this technique is it targets the meridian system of the human body. And through consolidated wellness, it showcases how the imbalances in your body can affect you emotionally, mentally, physically and subconscious being.
The Central Nervous system which sends out elaborate signals through electrical waves called Meridians, and when this system has blockage through unhealthy lifestyle choices has a detrimental effect on bodily function. Not only, can you become exposed to heavy metal poisonings, candida, fungus, parasites, tapeworms and other toxins.
But also, misalignment of the spinal cord, vertebra and disc that can cause irritation to the nervous system. Whereas most dis-ease in the human body starts in either the digestive tract, some issues can arise in your central nervous system. That affects the structure, tissues, organ functions and signals of a properly tuned body and its electrical “lifeforce” information being perceived.
One must consider also the misalignments of the spinal cord and the problems being conceived. Trust me this is crucial and should convince you that Electrodermal Screening might be a worthwhile consideration. Furthermore, when you smoke cigarettes for years; think of the build up in your lungs, these toxins can also be almost impossible to remove?
While being around second hand smoke can lead to progressive lung disease its important to get on a detox and redox program as well. What Homeopathic Counselors can provide is toxin management while checking your nerve functions for life force. Which can have adverse effect… on energy level and metabolism that can put you in a confused state lacking focus.
With your spirit broken and you feeling depressed it can affect your quality of life. One must consider the GMOs, MSGs, Gluten sensitivities and Celiac disease; not to mention, sugar imbalances, enzyme imbalance and electrolyte imbalances as well. This revolution of the Electro Dermal Screening isn’t “new” and has been around for a long time.
Therefore, when I was screened through the Electro Dermal Screening. I was amazed at some of the accuracy they had with my health and “how” this device picked up on that. Also what this couple had on hand with some of their formulas they carry through Desbio.com that can assist in healing the complete body. I was appreciative how they explain the pH balance and the ramifications that mercury fillings have in your mouth (importance of oil pulling through coconut oil and getting these gases out of your system before they do harm.)
“The human body is an electromagnetic organism. All the cells have two magnetic poles, north and south, in their DNA. Electricity flows through nerves in our bodies the same way electricity flows through an electrical wire. The body’s magnetism comes from two sources: 1 – magnetism from Earth’s magnetic field, 2 – magnetism produced through metabolism within the cells in the body. While the Earth’s magnetic field has been found to be decreasing at a significant rate – a total 50% decrease in the last 500 years.”
“In today’s world there are many harmful substances and stresses the body is exposed to, such as heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, etc.), pesticides, drugs, chemical toxins, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, allergies, fast food and processed food. All of these alter the normal body processes. The main objective of the EDS used by Nature’s Alternatives is to eliminate the imbalances.
EDS could benefit you if you have Allergies; Attention Disorders; Back Issues; Bacterial Infections; Blood Sugar Imbalances; Chemical Toxicity; Depression; Fatigue; Headaches; Hormonal Imbalances; Hyperactivity; Irritability; Joint Discomfort; Low Libido; Painful Muscles; Parasites; Pesticides; Poor Digestion; Sexual Dysfunction; Recurring Colds or Flu; Sleeplessness; Viruses; Vitamin/Mineral Deficiencies; Weakened Immune System; and stress to name a few.
Many people today have some signs and symptoms of functional illness such as fatigue, headaches, indigestion, back pain, allergies and other complaints that interfere with their quality of life. The real problem arises when these imbalance are ignored and/or remains undetected for prolonged periods of time. This may then lead to a state of actual disease. Disease implies pathological changes that can be evaluated by standard medical tests.
If your medical doctor has ruled out the presence of a disease causing your symptoms. Then you are left with a functional problem which may not have a name. The EDS used by Nature’s Alternatives is so precise, it detected an ear ache and sore throat before the person showed the issues; and two days later, that same person had an ear ache and sore throat. The reason being the EDS picked up on the energy imbalance. Early and proper response to an imbalance is essential for optimal health.” Jason and Trish Carter