Even though some of the people that know me have a grudging respect for Solitarius. This blog post comes with a message I read in the magazine “What Doctors Don’t Tell You.” There is theory that states, “the effects of butterflys flapping its wings in Hawaii can be felt in London.” Also in the magazine article, in which Chris Woollams, tell the story of how he came to start the website CancerActive after his daughter being diagnosed with brain cancer.
From the moment Catherine’s cancer was diagnosed, he stated that his personal gearbox clicked into over drive. During this experience he spoke with experts from London, France, the United States and even one from Mexico. Chris even spoke with the top brain tumor specialist in the world Dr. Henry Friedman at Duke University in North Carolina. In which they all told him the same thing: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and death.
From this, Chris started reading developing and avid interest into the options available. Therefore, he started scouring the internet and began talking to complimentary and alternative therapy experts. Thereby from that he wrote a diet plan for his daughter. By a quirk in fate, friends of friends, were in prominent positions at St. Thomas Hospital in London, England, so he knew the prognosis was six months max.
Catherine’s oncologist was a troubled soul: stating how do you fight when you have no weapons? The “blood brain barrier” was designed to not allow chemicals to cross over into the brain! However, the inevitable didn’t happen…. At six months Catherine was still alive and kicking, And with every three months scan showed improvement. Easily passing the “18 month record” that St. Thomas Aquinas had from his disease.
Catherine herself was a force to behold within herself, displaying the discipline, wisdom, always caring for others, never complaining about and curious mixture of resignation and determination. Even suggesting to Chris write a magazine of his experience. Instead he wrote the book: “Everything You Need To Know Help You Beat Cancer,” therefore after, the magazine “icon” (Integrative Cancer and Oncology News ) helping others define their learning curve.
With visits to John of GOD in Brazil, meeting Dr. Francisco Contreras of the Oasis of Hope in Mexico. Whom he interviewed in South Hampton and talked about Vitamin B17, which he became infamous, said it doesn’t work for brain tumors. Dr. Contreras also stated, “he uses the full range of chemotherapy, radiotherapy with nutrition and other complimentary therapies. Whereas, he also pursues newer alternative therapies and one, Ozone Therapy started to show great promise.”
When it was mentioned to their London Oncologist, they were trying to decide, contemplating going to Mexico. He told them people go to Mexico and never comeback. Thereby upon hearing this, Chris remember reading an article about how glucose, was not only, the favorite food for cancer cells, but also, the only food they needed to survive, and that he thought that cancer cells are inflexible.
When he suggested to the oncologist that they reduce his daughters blood glucose levels. Because after each operation… they fed her a diet of ice cream and soda pop. The Oncologist turned to his colleague and said, “Chris wants to cure Catherine stopping glycolysis…. has anyone heard of anything so stupid. Whereas, Chris wondered how does this close mindedness help a cancer patient?”
Reminded Chris began his website in 2001, in 2012 report published by the American Cancer Society stating, “since 2006 there has been an overwhelming explosion in research into complimentary therapies such as diet, weight control and exercise can indeed increase survival and the prevention of cancer returning.” Therefore, in trying to save his own daughters life and flapping his butterfly wings. While learning through his own research Chris was a little ahead of his time.
This his own experience: Chris founded a new website in his daughters honor, Canceractive which has became the top cancer charity in the U.K. While also publishing the magazine icon to help aid the many patients of cancer to understand there options and alternatives. Although his website has been targeted by skeptics his cause still remains philanthropic. As his, like mine, wanting to remain squabble free because it doesn’t help cancer patients overcome the many obstacles they confront everyday