NATIVE ANGELS HOLISTIC PROTOCOL: THIS IS WHAT I DID HOLISTICALLY TO HEAL MY BODY FROM A RARE AGGRESSIVE STAGE 4 MMMT CARCINOSARCOMA UTERUS CANCER, GIVEN THREE WEEKS TO LIVE AND THAT WAS JUNE 19, 2010. I’ve been cancer free for over two years. I beat stage 4 cancer, “you can do it too!” This is along overview…. so know what’s right for you?
This is my 12 STEP PROGRAM TO OPTIMAL HEALTH. (1) Truly Positive Thoughts (2)Prayer (3) Juicing (4) Keep body alkaline (5) Eat healthy (6) Herbs and supplements (7)Have purpose (8)Exercise/deep breathing (9)Get plenty of sleep (10)Keep a gratitude journal (11) Laugh/humor (12) Let go of all negative thoughts/emotions which includes fear, anger, resentment and grief.
I Drank Four CUPS of the 8 Herb OJIBWA TEA ( SHEEP SHOREL, BURDOCK ROOT, SLIPPERY ELM ROOT,TURKISH RHUBARB, KELP, BLESSED THISTLE, REDCLOVER, WATERCRESS.) you can also…. get it in the already made Tea…. called Flo-essence made by Flora. Also you could substitute with the 4 blend tea called Essiac Ojibwa Tea that has anticancer herbs which together harmonize, cleanses the blood and is a gentle body detox which kills fungus and cancer cells.
The following is also a list of the supplements that should be taken everyday:
Take 10,000 IU vitamin D3, probiotics, systemic enzymes (Wobenzym), vitamin B 12, omega 3, beta glucan, turmeric, Spirulina, MSM and alpha lipoic acid. MAGNESIUM, POTASSIUM, Zyflamend or Silica. CELL FOOD take 10 drops three times a day they’re full of minerals and amino acids to keep your body OXYGENATED (cancer and fungus can’t live in oxygen environment.) “BIOPLASMA CELL SALTS.” You must also always keep your liver strong…. so take phosphatidylcholine, milk thistle, Dandelion root also FRANKINCENSE OIL.”
It’s VERY IMPORTANT TAKE PANCREATIN AND WHOLE FOOD VITAMIN C BEFORE YOU GO TO BED. THIS WILL BREAK DOWN THE PROTEIN WALL THAT SURROUNDS AND PROTECTS THE CANCER CELLS. “The essential oils good to take are the following: Frankincense oil, lavender oil, THIEFS oil, blood orange oil, sage oil, cedar oil, lemon oil and peppermint oil.”
After three months…. I cut down to 2 cups of Ojibwa tea and would add two of these other cancer and fungus killing herbs to my protocol: Cats Claw, Pau D’Arco, Armensia, Summa, Bitter Melon, Aloe Vera Juice, Gold Thread, Periwinkle, Marshmallow, IP6, Caprylic acid, Comfrey, Anamu, Yew, or goldenseal/Echinacea combination and also olive oil extract, grapefruit seed extract, mushroom complex, Noni juice, Mangosteen, Collidial silver, HEMP OIL, OREGANO and Chapparal
You can take high doses of liposomal vitamin C with bioflavonoids and high doses of Lysine. I believe if I changed my protocol every three months it will keep the cancer from growing back. And also to get toxins out of the body and to get rid of the die off. After twelve weeks I would take extra àloe vera, bentonite clay, cilantro, coffee enemas or take chlorella.
Make sure you consume enough fiber. Things that help with the fiber are chia seeds psyllium husk, flaxseed. The goal is to have regular bowel movements which helps remove toxins and dead cancer or fungus cells from the body. And also if your having trouble with constipation consider magnesium citrate or red clover from a health food store.
You must also make sure you consume: no white rice or pasta…. refined sugar…. alcohol, for these all convert to sugar in the body. No wheat or rye because they carry mycotoxins which can cause cancer, maintain a gluten-free vegan diet. STAY AWAY FROM ALL GMO AND PROCESSED FOODS. Drink alkaline water this keeps your body alkaline ….drink lemon water twice a day is beneficial as well. (Selenium & Zinc for strong immunity.)
To help keep protein levels up I took Alive protein drinks once a day. With 1 tablespoon of Maca with Spirulina. I was extremely ANEMIC: so I took Hema Plex and 2 teaspoons blackstrap molasses and beet root capsules. FOR PAIN RELIEF: turmeric, Wobenzym, ginger, frankincense, omega 3s, Bromelain, Velerian Root, MSM, arnica gel, magnesium gel. ESSENTIAL OILS good for pain: Frankincense, Helichrysum, birch, peppermint and homeopathic Arnica and also Bromelain Enzymes.
Sleep being vital important…. so I take Velerian, passionflower, hops or melatonin. I know that cancer cells and fungus cells always want to grow back. Because my body was compromised: I took this stuff to build my immune system making sure no – cancer or fungus cells could live in my body. I’m going to always juice, stay on a gluten-free diet and stay positive…. also meditate and be grateful to God for each day I am alive.
Sorry if this seems long but I do believe that you have to take stuff that kills the cancer cells then you have to get all of the dead cells out of your body and then rebuild your body. WHILE ALSO HOLISTICALLY HEALING…. Your MIND, Your BODY and Your SPIRIT, “THIS IS THE NATIVE AMERICAN WAY”. EVERYTHING ON EARTH HAS A PURPOSE, EVERY DISEASE A HERB THAT CURES IT AND EVERY PERSON HAS A MISSION.
My mission is to share my journey of healing and understanding with all who wish to listen, the most important thing you can do is have positive thoughts and never give up. I AM A HOLISTIC COUNSELOR, AROMATHERAPIST AND A NATIVE AMERICAN HERBALIST YOU CAN CONTACT ME on Facebook ANGELANDMIKAELHOWERTON OR CANCER CURES FROM HEAVEN. Lets spread God’s love, light and blessings.