In her youth, Tamara St. John witness at 12 years old her mother go through chemotherapy, radiation and that thought never passed her mind. The Author of the book Defeat Cancer Now which details her April 2009 experience of the lumps found on her throat, lymph nodes and left breast. While having no insurance, no money and a job lost she seeked the alternative and prevailed.
Tamara feels she was also led by God directly to the Budwig protocol and to apricot kernels, as she talks about all of the therapies in her book; as well as how to detoxify the body properly from candida, to parasites, and other toxins.
Today in her own special way…. she is cancer free while being on Facebook. While helping others with guidance through her group page and I’m sure “if ” you ask her, she would provide guidance for those in the same need she was in back then. February which was a miraculous month for me while coming face to face on Facebook with Tamara, Angel Howeron, and Lene Maria Sondermoelle Steffensen of Denmark.
With all three cancer survivors telling me a common thread, that is cancer is a variant of candida which is a fungal infection turned cancer. With all three beating there various types of cancer naturally in different ways and that was by the knowing in the heart what was right for them. Tamara seeking various approaches besides the Budwig Protocol and Lene Maria principally using Gerson Therapy amongst others.
And of course Angel Howeron, being a Holistic Counselor listening to her own body while developing her own protocol in the presence of GOD. Angel told me she thought her 3B MMT Uterine cancer originated from a severe accident and the stress she occurred with a broken left leg and hip, back and neck injury. Lene Maria also used the word stress when she also detailed her life as a teacher and living a Viking Lifestyle.
Denmark & the Norwegian Sea area is the cancer capitol of the world, after talking to Lene Maria is understandable so. The Viking Descendants have a hardy lifestyle that’s filled with hardy work and little time for any thing else. It’s becoming a Mini America with fast food ~ fast times with little regard for eating right and taking care of yourself until it happens.
Although that same Viking Mindset that got her into trouble in the first place righted her ship after the fact. Through a strong mindset and stronger constitution. Always searching for herself what was right for herself, she knew in her heart and mind what she wanted to do next. Just like the sea that gives and takes, Lene Maria was willing…. to take and give to keep her own cancer in remission by her own right and this past Friday her newest scan revealed that her cancer is remaining dormat. Good Job Lene Maria
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