Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas having several causes and symptoms and requires immediate medical attention. It occurs when pancreatic enzymes (especially trypsin) are activated in the pancreas instead of the small intestine. It may start out as acute – beginning suddenly and lasting a few days, or become chronic and lasting indefinitely.
For Stacey Hartwell Fields, 51 of Indiana, Chronic Pancreatitis is a daily event of constant pain. Its so perplexing when your back swells and other people treat you like a drug seeker. While you take meds that do nothing for you, robs you of all your money and you’re left with a life less then normal. While it trains your mind, the pain is non manageable and you can’t do nothing about it.
So the challenges of this blog post is to create awareness and bring a few suggestions into a CP patient future. Therefore, if pancreatitis isn’t treated properly, which like Fibromyaglia can leave its victim in a debilitated state of well being. Being tough enough to diagnose let alone find proper treatment and a whole host of problems.
CP patients sufferers can be bombarded with brittle teeth and bones, and post traumatic stress disorder from dealing with it to long, to also depression that affects your heart, lungs, kidneys and liver. Its a horrific disease that could cause Crohns disease, diabetes and pancreatic cancer. With some of the possible long range treatments being TP/AIT which is major reconstruction of the digestive system and Islet Cell Transplant which plays on your mind ….its devastating to say the least.
Chronic Pancreatitis wreaks havoc on your whole life while living in constant fear of what’s next. While leaving you wondering what good is the medical profession doing for me anyways and their has to be an alternative. That alternative to me ….might be what your doctor often overlooks, as most corporate type could careless about is the toxins they shove down our throats.
Its as simple as finding a safer alternative to Round Up and maybe cutting out the preservatives and chemicals they overload in our diets. The first item a CP sufferer may want to eliminate from their everyday diet is the toxins big business wants to feed us. Because toxins create this inflammation and inflammation also exacerbates the disease as a way to eliminate the disease.
While most people are like me… you can’t afford or want to spend extra for organic… it maybe the way to go. So its best to eliminate some of these dreadful preservatives and chemicals from your diet through other means. So it might be wise to reboot your system through a watchful eye of GMOs, MSG and knowing some artificial sweeteners have a chemical reaction at 86 degrees to turn into wood alcohol that turns into formaldehyde.
I myself whom always limit my consumption of red meat, while also avoiding that snack, whenever I can, because I know it will make me feel better if I do. For most CP sufferers, therefore, they should also consider masticated fresh juice from a blender, allowing themselves with 10% fat in their diet which includes the good omega 3 fat from almond, flaxseed, olive and sesame oils; instead of salmon and other fishy smells that may leave them sick (Omega 3s are a proven anti inflammatory as – well – as green tea and turmeric should be considered.)
While also always seeking supplements like Enzyme Solutions for additional enzyme intake. Also Curcumin, Aloe Vera Juice mixed with a freshly blended (papaya) juice without sweetener and smoothies should be a part of your diet. One might want to consider Medicinal Mushrooms (which are adaptogens that make your body feel good all under.) While also finding something to focus on and direct your mind away from your pain (meditation or yoga can be taught through you tube videos.)
Also for my good friend whom also has a group page on FACEBOOK, that swelling in your back and your pain you experience. A healing bath of 1/2 cup of Epsom salt, 1/2 cup of baking soda and a few drops of your favorite scented essential oil. While listening to R. Carlos Nakai may be a welcome relief ( 3 to 4 times per week when you have tremendous pain and once a week to maintain.) Thanks Angel Howeron & Nikki Meysenburg.
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