A person I talked to most recently through the world wide web is Lene Maria. Whom is a five year dedicated cancer survivor of Neuroendocrine Carcinoid which is the same type Steve Jobs had. What Lene Maria does…. is look at other people’s lives as Nearly Fat, Sick & Dead and reason I included her story, she is breathing testament of Solitarius with a winning attitude .
Solitarius.org is an outlook of living life as you see fit while sharing that new found outlook with others. Her thoughts while giving me 72 new links are being willing to talk about your illness with others. She also stated she accepts the lessons cancer teaches her daily, while realizing it’s about lifestyle, chemicals in our food we consume daily, especially meat consumption? Protein excess!!
If you don’t adopt a healthy lifestyle ~ one never really knows when it will strike them. In her case: she doesn’t need it anymore, she’s just lets it go. Therefore its all about peacefulness, mindfulness, and being in complete harmony with your surroundings. While being in balance with mind and soul with a positive attitude and discerning (if you don’t know what it is ~ don’t put it in your mouth) So by all means dump the GMOs and use the Good Guide.
Stomach acids are important to the body and the immune system is in the intestines. Also, science may not hold the answers to cancer, nature holds the answers for her and she realizes that. As she stays in rhythm with what she believes. Listen to your body, keep positive flow of energy running through your blood, and also remember the cancer doesn’t belong to you… so give it back to the universe.
It’s about mental expression, never doubting yourself and believing what your doing will work (you can ~ you will.) It’s meditation, yoga, mindfulness and cannabis oil (Red Libandon Indica for THC potency if you will.) Also it’s about juicing (Gerson Therapy), the Ketogenic Diet, eating vegan, aloe vera juice, probiotics, enzymes, hemp oil and also baking soda and lemon water. http://politicalblindspot.com/national-cancer-institute-says-marijuana-fights-cancer free marijuana ebook
You were handed this hand…. so deal with it and don’t forget your curcumin paste, no gluten and Dr. Joseph Mercola he’s the man and has the Lyposphere Liposomal High Dosage Vitamin C for oral usage. Plus, ACV Water, coffee enemas, ginger and lemon infused water, B-12, zinc-selenium-magnesium-Vitamin D-silica. If you haven’t tried it how do you know…. it won’t work to achieve + 8 pH level
Did you know you have functioning neurons in your intestines — about a hundred million of them? Food scientist Heribert Watzke tells us about the “hidden brain”
in our gut and the surprising things it makes us feel.
Update August 26, 2019
A nutritional tonic to rebuild digestion and the blood. The most natural Vitamin C at about 3,000 mg. per tsp. of powder. Remains present and active in the body three to four times longer than synthetics!!!
When I checkout MD ANDERSON cancer fighting diet some aspects makes me cringe. It maybe affordable but there is so many things wrong with this list. If a cancer patient depends on this list to fight cancer, he/she will literally loose the battle. All meats (and meat derivative products) are acid, and the acid is what cancer feeds on. When fighting Cancer you must stay away from extreme amounts of diary, it feeds candida overgrowth, coconut milk is so much better. If you include Dairy? Grains? White Rice? Process Juice? Refine Sugar? Looks like a cancer causing protocol to keep them in business. https://www.mdanderson.org/publications/focused-on-health/36-foods-that-can-help-lower-your-cancer-risk.h12-1592991.html
I remember Lene Maria Søndermølle Steffensen Winning Attitude!!!
Which included Food Synergy – this science show that some foods work better in combination with other – one example is turmeric that is enhanced by black pepper – there are lots of things that work better in combination with other things so I choose food combos that enhance each-other. read more about it here…
You can all look further into the food synergy research that has been done – there is a reason why certain things taste good together – often its because they have a synergy working for them I just stay clear of the animal products and use the veges & and fruit that are in synergy and make my own vegan probiotic coconut milk yogurt
Great Combinations for Taste & Health
Here is a collection of some fantastic combinations suggested by a selection of synergy experts that have the potential to enhance health and prevent disease – and liven up a plate.
* Tomatoes & Avocados
* Tomatoes & Broccoli
* Oatmeal & Orange Juice
* Broccoli & Tomatoes
* Wild Blueberries & Grapes
* Wild Blueberries & Walnuts
* Wild Blueberries & Fish
* Soy & Salmon
* Peanuts & Whole Wheat
* Apples & Chocolate
* Lemon & Kale
* Almonds & Yogurt
* Any Fruit with its Peel (especially darkly colored fruit)
* Green Tea & Lemon
* Garlic & Fish
includes Food Synergy – this science show that some foods work better in combination with other – one example is turmeric that is enhanced by black pepper – there are lots of things that work better in combination with other things so I choose food combos that enhance each-other. read more about it here… You can all look further into the food synergy research that has been done – there is a reason why certain things taste good together – often its because they have a synergy working for them I just stay clear of the animal products and use the veg and fruits that are in synergy and make my own vegan probiotic coconut milk yogurt
So go ahead – give synergy a try! Whether you are seeking disease prevention or optimum nutrition, or you’re just bored with the regular old meat and potatoes, seek out powerfully nutritious food “packages” and find out what combinations are best for your health goals and your taste buds. While you’re at it, go ahead and thank Mother Nature for giving us a taste for what’s healthy! http://www.wildblueberries.com/…/food-synergy-natures…/
Turmeric + Black Pepper
The spice turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties—it’s being studied for its potential to fight cancer, improve liver function, lower cholesterol, and stave off Alzheimer’s disease. When you combine it with black pepper, your body absorbs a thousand times more curcumin (turmeric’s active ingredient).
Oatmeal + Oranges
Phenols (a type of plant compound) in oatmeal and vitamin C in oranges both lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. When eaten together, their ability to improve cholesterol and prevent heart disease is four times greater than what they’re capable of individually.
Lemon + Spinach
The vitamin C in lemons helps your body absorb more of the plant-based iron found in spinach, a mineral that prevents mood swings and promotes happiness. When you include the antioxidant resveratrol & the vitamin E in almonds boost the body’s ability to thin the blood and improve the health of blood vessel linings. Vinegar + Sushi Rice Vinegar decreases rice’s ability to raise blood sugar levels by 20 to 40 percent.
Beet Greens + Chickpeas
Chickpeas are a good source of vitamin B6, which helps your body absorb the magnesium found in beet greens (B6 helps facilitate the transport of magnesium across cell membranes). These nutrients work together in the body to ease the symptoms of PMS and ADHD.
Green Tea + Lemon
The vitamin C in lemon makes more of the catechins (a type of antioxidant) in green tea available to your body.
Fighting Inflammation With Food Synergy | NutritionFacts.org
Food synergy – getting the best from food combinations
Food Synergy: Nutrients That Work Better Together
Food Combining Chart | SYNERGYSTIX HEALTH
New research adds to the current data that broccoli and watercress will help keep cancer at bay. This research shows that when the compounds and enzymes found in cruciferous vegetables are combined in the chewing process, phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) is produced. The study found that sufficient cancer-preventing levels of PEITC can be achieved through diet alone!
When cancer is treated with chemotherapy or radiation, the tumor disappears, but the cancer stem cells live on. “These cells are frequently resistant to conventional therapies,” associate professor Moul Dey said.
“These tiny cells are very difficult to detect in a tumor,” Dey pointed, adding that for a long time scientists did not even know they existed. “It’s like finding a needle in a haystack.”
Cancer stem cells make up less than 5 percent of a tumor, are powerful in that they can regenerate the original tumor and spread cancer to secondary locations.
The research team treated cervical cancer stem cells with PEITC and found that 75 percent of these stem cells died within 24 hours. The research team found even low concentrations of PEITC are effective and produce similar results. This spring and summer, stock up on broccoli and watercress and give your body the nutrition it needs to eradicate cancer cells!
Ok now to the weird stuff – I’ve been through spiritual change the past 6 months and trying to raise my vibration – during this time strange things have been happening to me, as you will see from the following. Please bare with me its a good story
A month before I got my job I went to my mothers grave to talk to her and clean it up a bit and plant some flowers. All of a sudden a frog leaps up to my mothers grave stone sits by it looks at me and then disappears (frogs are nocturnal this was during the day in sunshine) – when I came home i went online to see what meaning the frog holds in the spiritual realm. It said :
Summary of Symbolic Meaning of the Frog – Symbol of Healing, Cleansing, Rebirth.
Luck – (We sold our house)
Purity – (The love we have in our family)
Rebirth – (Spiritual awakening)
Renewal – (new job, new home)
Fertility – (having a garden is fertility, growing food)
Healing – (Oh yeah come to me )
Transitions – ( is always nice and welcome)
Dreaming – (have a lot of those)
Opportunity – (to do what i have dreamt of doing in a long time, in a new home.
The frog also indicates that I have a strong maternal connection – which is spooky since it showed up on my mothers grave !
2. On the day that we went to see the house we ended up choosing I had a meditation during my meditation I focused on this affirmation: I will let the universe guide me to where I am supposed to be and where i need to be. A place where my husband and I will be happy to be and where our family can be together and enjoy life and love. After the meditation i wrote some things down that I asked the universe for at the end of my meditation.
My wish list goes like this:
A new beginning/fresh start
Health/healing: exercise – food = medicine – health for my family
Prosperity for my family
Family love and caring
Letting go of the past
No negativity
Happiness for my family
Then We went to see the house and while walking around the house I noticed a ladybug, took a photo of it because ladybugs are normally not seen this time of year, and forgot about it. Today my husband and I decided not to stress and take thing slow with the move and while talking about the house i remembered the Ladybug. I had too look it up to see what spiritual meaning it carries. This is what it said as the first thing on the page I chose to look at from all the many pages on the topic:
Your wish is granted!
If Ladybug has flown into your life;
The appearance of a Ladybug heralds a time of luck in which our wishes begin to be fulfilled. Higher goals and new heights are now possible. Worries begin to dissipate. New happiness comes about. Ladybug also cautions not to try to hard or go to fast to fulfill our dreams. Let things flow at their natural pace. In the due course of time, our wishes will all come true. Alternatively she could be signaling that you can leave your worries behind and that new happiness is on its way. Ladybug signals you to to not be scared to live your own truth. Protect your truth and know that it is yours to honor.
Ladybug speaks: Healing energies surround you, release your worries and let healing energy flow.
Now could someone please tell me what is going on in my life because this is seriously weird stuff !!!
Do you know what the proliferation rate of the cancer in question is ? carcinoid and neuroendocrine cancers are normally very slow growing cancers some have a proliferation rate of only 2%. That is the reason why some of these cancers are discovered on a very late stage.
This Little-Known Chinese Herb!!!
By itself, artemisinin is about 100 times more selective in killing cancer cells as opposed to normal cells. Artemisinin is 34,000 x’s more potent in killing cancer cells as opposed to their normal cousins. So the tagging process appears to have greatly increased the potency of artemisinin’s cancer-killing properties.”
Despite the compound being licensed to Holley Pharmaceuticals, it has yet to be used for cancer treatment in humans. “We call it a Trojan horse because the cancer cell recognizes transferrin as a natural, harmless protein. So the cell picks up the compound without knowing that a bomb (artemisinin) is hidden inside.” – Henry Lai
Biological effects of essential oils – A review
Since the middle ages, essential oils have been widely used for bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal, antiparasitical, insecticidal, medicinal and…
I’m so grateful for the positive spin on how to make permanent changes and the reassurance that it is easy to improve everything.
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. Denis Waitley
Christie Marie Sheldon is an energy healer and author of Love or Above breathes the kind of talent… How to Change Your Frequency to Change Your Reality
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. ~Denis Waitley
Christie Marie Sheldon is an energy healer and author of Love or Above breathes the kind of talent…
#ChristineMarieSheldon #HealingFrequencies #spiritual playlist
A F F E C T S 0 f B 0 t t l e d W A T E R
B a K i N g S o D a M o L a S s E s C a N c E r P r O t O c O l