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In this blog post which is vital for preventing cancer, I will attempt to dispel the cancer myths and misconceptions. While letting you know the importance of avoiding high calorie intakes, explaining the pros and cons of consuming excessive amounts of red meat. Does meat really cause cancer and is it linked to a shorter life expectancy. What’s the best cooking procedure (rare, medium or well done and also what about processed foods are they harmful as well.)
So in moving forth: in a recent discovery by researchers at Charite’ Universtiatsmedizin Berlin and the Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Berlin – Buch. The researchers found resting cancer cells can be selectively destroyed by inhibiting their energy metabolism. What chemotherapy does not do is kill all cancer cells, but instead some cells enter a state known as senescence ( programmed growth arrest.) query=how meat feeds cancer.
While in this state, the tumor cells are inactive and no longer divide, nevertheless, senescence comes with hidden dangers. For instance these senescence cells… produce protein messenger substances that can cause harmful inflammatory reactions. With more inflammation these cells can pose a higher risk of cancer recurrence.
Researchers working around Professor Clemens Schmitt, The Director of the Center for Molecular Cancer Research and Executive Supervising Medical Doctor at the Department of Homatology, Oncology and Tumor Immunology at the Charite. Have discovered is away to target senescent cancer cells for destruction by eliminating sugar consumption from your daily diet and eliminating pesticides.
It has been demonstrated a major increase in energy metabolism in senescent tumor cells after chemotherapy, and that the cells truly crave sugar. Prof. Schmitt goes onto say these cells, not only, produces more energy, but also, are dependent upon their major increase in metabolism. Therefore, when the researchers inhibited sugar metabolism in the cells, they die off.
By contrast, short term inhibition of energy metabolism has little effect on resting or dividing cells in normal tissues. The researcher regard the cause of high energy consumption in senescent cells as representing another unique feature: the moment the cells enter the state of senescence, they produce large quantities of protein messenger substances.
These substances must then be digested in a highly energy consuming process, since some of the proteins are toxic. Thus, if energy production in the senescent cells or their digestive processes is blocked, they can not or will not survive. Therefore, by cutting off the glucose production into your body and consuming a cancer preventing diet will heighten your chances of greater success against recurrence of cancer.
Anti angiogenic Therapy: autopsy studies from people who have died in car accidents have shown that about 40 percent of women between the ages of 40 and 50 actually have had microscopic cancer in their breast and about 50 percent of men in their 50’s and 60’s have microscopic prostate cancer. However, the reason it didn’t give them problems is because the cancer didn’t have a chance to form a blood supply.
T h e p o w e r of e a t i n g W o r l d’s b e s t g r e e n s m o o t h i e!!