Power 0f Prayer

    Being   Solitarius.org  is  a  direct  accomplishment  from  prayer and       going  to  The Basilica  and  National Shrine of  Our Lady of  Consolation  Carey, Ohio. While praying  for closure  from a heart  felt terminal illness    in the  family,  hopefully,  finding the answer to cancer beforehand which didn’t happen. Thereafter, coincidentally running into people that would always have the next piece of  the puzzle as time always heals.

   It’s amazing how life  can deal out the Winning Hand  when you think  about the overall wonderment (how the mundane way people treat each other  and act toward one another.)  I’m always astonished  when people want to contradict the happenings around them by twisting and turning  the  facts around in their heads trying to convince themselves their way       is the only right way of  doing things.

   With  little  understanding  toward  the  meaning  of  life,   for instance  over the centuries.  The Celebration of  Christmas has  fallen in and out of  favor with both the church — and — the state.  It’s a mixture of  the sacred and the secular (questioning their faith) in constant contention with their inner holy spirit.  With a belief  that Jesus’ possible conception, birth and Magi visit  &  The Star 0f  Bethlehem  being a myth.

    With history shown  that  the  need  for celebration coinciding with the  Birth of  the  Christ Child.  During the darkness of  times Winter’s Solstice being rooted into the human consciousness and  good  for the human soul.  December 25  does not express  the  fact  of  Jesus’  Birth,  but  the spirit  of  reflection  and rebirth that is in your heart. With  the  belief  also  stating  the Twelve days of  the  Nativity  and  Epiphany of  Christ.

   January 6, AD  was  part of  the triple conjunction of  Jupiter,  on the Star Regulus and constellation Leo (Juptier being the star that the Magi decoded as the Birth of  the Messiah.)  In which three wise man went bearing the gifts of  gold,  frankincense and myrrh (as symbols of  justice, merci and wisdom) where the king lives (Herod). Although with other religious scholars stating Jesus  was conceived  on December 25th  and born September 27th  A.D.

    Truth be told,  the  celebration  of  the  conception  of  Jesus  is  March 25 , with the Feast of  the Annunciation.  With Jesus’  conception and crucifixion in happenstance,  the resurrection happening the same date as his birth and with his death on the cross 3:00 pm on Friday April 3 A.D. 33 and being also resurrected April 6  on  his  33rd birthday. This puts his time in that nativity scene  on  January 6th  (the Twelfth-day of  Christmas) and  secular  groups wants ….to deem Christianity  as Mythology.

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