I’m reading this book presently titled: 20 Years Younger by Bob Greene, in it he states, “like all theories about the causes of aging and the oxidative stress theory… is it just a theory.” We can not decipher for sure if unbound free radicals are the main cause of aging, however, we do know that free radicals can cause oxidative damage. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=oxidative+stress+theory&sm=12
More specifically, damaging a cell’s DNA, oxidative stress can certainly age your body, decrease your quality of life and even shorten your life span. Also by damaging a cell’s DNA, oxidative stress can be the first step to transforming a healthy cell into a cancer cell. In addition to oxidative stress inflammation has also been implicated in aging because of the role it plays in so many age – related diseases.
Inflammation caused by excessive body – fat may also be related to the shrinkage of the brain and also memory lost while increasing your risk for Alzheimer’s disease. With another disadvantage of obesity affecting aging by contributing to insulin resistance, whereas, insulin resistance shortens your life span and hastens aging in a number of ways. It also encourages inflammation, quashes sirtuin activity, shortens telemores and raise levels of Advanced Glycation End Products. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=advanced+glycation+end+products&sm=1
Besides obesity: an over – abundance of intra – abdominal fat — stored fat that surrounds your organs making them less efficient. A diet that’s high in sweets, soda’s and other sweet drinks, white bread, white rice and other processed grains seems to promote insulin resistance. Therefore, you can starve off aging by simply following the traditional diets of people living in Mediterranean countries, islands of Japan and habitants of the Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa 1 of only 161 island in the string off the coast of Japan.) search_query=mediterranean+longevity+and+health&sm=12 search_query=okinawan+longevity+and+health&sm=1
Furthermore, the Portfolio Diet is virtually a vegan diet, contains a judicious consumption of animal food keeping saturated fat at a minimum with sodium and sugars in moderation and lots of fruits and vegetables. While partaking in daily exercise, which prevents deterioration of muscle and bone; keeping age related diseases in check, while reducing likelihood of middle age spread. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=portfolio+diet+longevity+and+health&sm=12
Physical activity that accelerates your breathing and makes your heart work harder for a continuous and extended period of time will significantly improve your cardiovascular system. As well lower levels of inflammatory protein called C – reactive protein (CRP), whereas, these levels increase as we age. Making us more prone to developing inflammatory related disease as we get older. https://www.google.com/webhp?exercise+and+your+risk+for+cancer+video&undefined=undefined
While exercising reduces the levels of a protein called pro – inflammatory cytokines and increases levels of an anti – inflammatory form of cytokines. In a round about way, exercise may – also rid the body of inflammation by decreasing body fat. Whereby, body fat actually produces pro inflammatory cytokines that causes inflammation and it’s this inflammation over – time that cause health problems. https://www.google.com/webhp?chronic+inflammation+and+cancer+risk+videos&undefined=undefined
Whereas, exercise has it’s own effects on aging, such as reducing the risk for chronic disease. Caloric restriction also reduces insulin sensitivity while slowing metabolism which starves off aging and with increase of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients creates better health. Though age can help you become more certain about your character, individuality, spirituality and self – perception. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=caloric+restriction+and+good+health&sm=12
In 1979, the psychologist Ellen Langer, devised an experiment called the Counterclockwise Study. Which involved two groups of elderly men and the first group was told to go back into time 20 years and think as they did in that time frame. While the second group: was told to stay in the present time and live as they would in a missionary like the first group for just one week. You would be astonished to learn that group one, besides by not only acting younger, they also started to look younger in just one week. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8oAlPW86aw
With an American Atheist Party becoming stronger each day, whom promotes intolerance of those with religious beliefs (making them pay for others abortions) ethnic division while impeding social progress. Without proper respect for life, why in hell…. do they have anothers end of life decision. For those in the end…. you have to come to terms with your own endearment…. why does a non believer…. have the power of that decision? While those in business don’t recognize the Sabbath for what it is and this website occurred though belief in GOD the Almighty Greater Than Earth! http://www.nyscatholic.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/End-of-Life-booklet-final.pdf https://www.drvc.org/respectlife
As More n’ More American’s Won’t Recognize The Sabbath and The United States Moves Toward A Third World Country Maybe American’s Should RENEW Their FAITH?
What constitutes an “excessive burden” when our leaders in Washington D.C. never thinks anything through. When treatment prolongs the natural dieing process, “why” does politicians with beliefs in killing babies with a soul…. have the right to make others decisions. While making decisions to accept or refuse treatment, taking into consideration the type of treatment varies accordingly (the risk ~ reward, it’s cost, how painful with side effects and likelihood treatment will maintain or enhance life of the patient with limited medical resources which should be also considered throughout!) http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/cross-my-heart-free-preview-the-first-14-chapters-james-patterson/1116763593?ean=9780316324632