Macrobiotics For Cancer Prevention

   When I keep going  over  n’  over  in my head,  the sure keys to cancer prevention it’s about eliminating the need  for treatment  and  NOT  bad mouthing  professionals  in  the  medical  profession.   Heaven  knows  I    have  considerable  links  in   pin – pointing  the best  and  brightest.  However,  taking  a look  at  one  of  the  popular  alternative           or complimentary lifestyle recovery approaches to cancer.

    One only needs to look no  further than macrobiotics philosophy to          see the benefits  and  results of  the past.  One needs only begin with one          of  it earliest pioneers,  George Ohsawa  (1893 – 1966)  whom  based  his  research  on  the  practice of  Sagen Ishizuka’s  The theory of  balancing  mineral salts… Yin & Yang. Relying  on  diet alone  for the treatment of cancer maybe a mistake,  however,  like aloe vera  juice as a preventive measure to boost your overall health may indeed be warranted

     The  center piece  of  macrobiotics  is  the  substantial evidence that           many  dietary  factors  recommended  are  associated  with decreased  cancer risk. Women consuming macrobiotic diets  generally  have low estrogen levels  which  suggest  a  lower  risk of  breast cancer  and  for   those that have breast cancer… like Katie Engst higher survival rates.

   Published in 1982,  Recalled By Life: Story of  My Recovery  from Cancer,      recounts  the  autobiographical  of  a  physician  Dr. Anthony Sattilaro       who was diagnosed  at age 49 years with prostate cancer  and multiple      bone metastases.  Given a poor prognosis  and  feeling  he had nothing      to lose,  Dr. Sattilaro adopted a macrobiotic, predominate vegetarian, whole  food diet soon after diagnosis.

      Follow up examines at  1  and  4 years revealed  complete resolution            of  metastatic  bone  lesions.  Publications of  Dr. Sattilaro’s  story  was    also preceeded  in 1979,  by another autobiographical which described  the recovery  of   Dr. Jean Kohler: Healing Miracles  from Macrobiotics     that details her recovery  from pancreatic cancer.

    Another publication  in 1983  Michio Kushi’s The Cancer Prevention Diet,    detailing the macrobiotic approach to cancer,  including an emphasis on physical  activity,  the  avoidance  of  exposure  to  pesticides,  herbicides, fungicides and other chemicals, as well as electromagnetic radiation and stress reduction.

    Macrobiotics philosophy promotes the concept that phenomena are universal and inter related, and this practice of  macrobiotics engenders    the  respect of  the  spiritual nature to life.  While eating macrobiotically        to  prevent  cancer  treatment,  on  the  other  hand,  that  are  inherently disempowering  because the patient  is the recipient of  therapy that can, therefore,  be over whelming painful, debilitating and completely out of     the patients control.

Jillian Gainer

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