A Quick Trip Inside Your GUT

    This is a brief  excerpt from August 2013 Issue of  Prevention magazine,     an in the article titled; The Terrarium In Your Tummy proved noteworthy.  It  states that bacteria swarming  in our guts  and  intestines are the bodies biggest truth tellers.  That might sound gross  since we wagged warfare on bacteria  with  hand sanitizers,  while  bathing  in anti bacterial soaps  and popping penicillin tablets at the  first sign of  a stomach viruses. 

    Antibotics  first  came  into  wide  use  after  World War II  and  they’re    more ubiquitous than ever before with the average child  taking at least a dozen  courses  before  age eighteen.  As  Dr.  Martin  Blaser,  professor of medicine,  microbiology  and  The Director  of  the  Microbiome  Program at New York University. Whom since 1985, is one of  the greatest pioneers states,  childhood  is the worse time  to  be  exposed because  a  developing bodies are more susceptible to  food allergies.

     Take  Helicobactor  pylori,  which  is  an  ancient gastric species  that can  wriggle around in your gut for eons, even though this microbe increases your risk  for  gastric cancer,  it seems to protect  against  other  types  of  cancers, asthma  and  allergies.  H ~ pylori  microbes  can  be  difficult  to  classify  as either  “good”  or  ‘bad,’   Because  they  seemingly  switch  in  function  from person to person  and  in different contexts.  While  seemingly  disappearing due to the over use of  antibiotics?

    Dr.  Blaser  whom  recently  coauthored  a  study  in the journal,  Nature   found  feeding mice  low steady doses of  antibiotics caused them to pack on  fat.  In another study Dr.  Blaser  published in the International Journal  of  Obesity,  scientist studied  11,000 children and   found that those exposed to antibiotics  before  6 months  of  age  consistently  higher BMI’s  later in life. However,  Dr.  Jeff  Leach Ph.D  and Cofounder of the American Gut Project, states gut colonies in people around the world is different.

     Dr. Leach  suspects  the  difference  around  the  world  comes  from  the  differing  diets people around  the world consume  and  when you consume different kinds of  plants. The dietary  fiber travels to your colon which is a   fermentation  breeding  factory….  where microbes munch on the fiber and make your colon more acidic and resistant to pathogens. Therefore, eating more plants will  feed the healthy microbes which may indeed  fight off the bad guys measured as Blautia.

    Understanding  the  strains of  bacteria  contributes  to  the  disease  or   cure and is the holy grail of  microbiome research  and targeted probiotics are the  future in medicine.  Dr. Blaser  says, “when you know a person has condition X, and  your treating  with bacteria Y and  that  will  change their metabolism  and  immune  system  in  a  specific method that’s the basis  for microbiome research.” Also  Dr.  Joseph Petrosino Ph.D.,  at  Baylor College  of  Medicine  states  in  the   not  so  distant  future  physicians  will take into account…. gut profiling  for patients whom walk into any doctors office.

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