For the Elitest ruining this once proud countries rich history by taking golf trips and exotic vacations once a month. Thereby, generating record debt for the next generations to pay back, proving they are out of touch with reality and the American Way of Life, what it might become is a thieving rivalry amongst it’s people. Try living in a wannabe working class community of first class citizens, turned second rate people with the belief America has gone (mad) third world.
What our System of Government has become is a knowing system of double dipping the tax payer. A system based upon lobbyist interest that push, shove and bully people around based upon their back pocket interest. A system where they want to null and void a constitution that has with stood the test of time…. because it has the words freedom of speech, to write and worship as personal liberties. Also they have became absent minded…. about the Christian, Religious and Political beliefs of the founding fathers about our government!!!
Where I live isn’t a posh life style of out of touch bureaucrats that don’t want to do any good. In this area deemed a cancer cluster the common experience is cancer patients going back for more chemotherapy after the first and second rounds had failed. While losing that battle after it indebted their entire savings. The rationale with which found an accurate method of administering the chemotherapy, finding the alternative and methods of preventing this dreadful disease before it gives our country a death spiral from the Anti ~ Christ?
AS Obamacare which includes 1,000 pages of jibberish and which includes death panels that are morally wrong. Because if you talk and listen to anybody in hospice “the dieing,” have to leave this world on their terms, NOT the governments to get to heaven. Therefore, with all the jibberish being bantered about…. someday America will have to take a real humanitarian act to right the sinking ship.
Learning How To Learn: As our health care in this country under Obamacare takes a nose dive, with added cost, doubled premiums and half the coverage and someone thinking he’s wiser. We as Americans should have the right to know our choices, options and have the right to choose what’s right for us. With a bureaucracy in Washington D.C. displaying everyday they’re only into payouts and under the table sweet heart deals. One things for certain: Living in the DC Bubble sure doesn’t have our best interest at HEART!