The Awakening

    Clearly,  as  you  scroll down blog roll  you see each blog post uniquely different.  As you read  each blog post in about 20 minutes  or during your  lunch hour, and bookmark some of  the links you would like going back in your spare time to examine closer.  You can see is a worthy tool in anybody’s search  for the answers to cancer and discovery of  self.

   Also as you go through life… you realize the people that come into your   life… happenstance into it  for a reason.  One  such  friend of  mine is none other than Jill Roche whom informed me of  the theory of  The Awakening.    I always knew of  the theory of  cells communicating  and organs working  in unison,  however, she shed new light on the topic which I  felt deserved    a  blog post that cancer affects the body, mind  and spirit.

    I’ll start by saying, “Dr. Gary E. Schwartz  and  Linda G. Russek of  the   Human  Energy  Systems  Laboratory,  at  the University  of  Arizona  are innovators of  a  most interesting theory  they call  “energy cardiology or cardio energetics.”   They  have published research  which they say  show  the  science  of  heart  and  of  the  brain  communicates  with  each  other  “both energetically or physiologically.”

   “The hearts electro cardiograms,”  they say, “can be registered in our  brain waves.”  One person who has made this area his life is the renown     Dr. Paul Pearsallauthor of  the book  “The Heart Code,”  and  what this    book claims;  it’s the heartnot the brain that is the very essence of  our  very being.  It’s  the  heart  that  thinks,  feels,  remembers,  loves,  hates   and  communicates to every cell in the human body.

      It’s  easy  to  mock ~ a  ~ man  who  says,  “that  his  heart  told  him           he could connect with  and influence  the  x – ray machine using energy.”  While it’s less easy to mock anyone who has survived cancer, on the very methods to which they ascribe their survival.  Dr. Pearsall  puts it down,     at least in part, to the  fact he learned ~ to ~ communicate with his heart (which he see’s as the mediator of  the quantum energy in the body.)

    The heart he says, pumps nutrients into every cell in our body,  and  therefore,  by definition  is pumping  “patterns of  energy containing the information that tells the cells how to be themselves,”  the heart he says,   has a code  that’s related to this subtle  and  recorded in every cell of  the body as an informational template of  the soul. Which can communicate with it’s own body,  others hearts through karma while storing memory      in it’s cells as life proceeds.

   This part is called  the soul of  a person,  it’s  there “life story”  to the     endth degree.  It’s  the  energetic cellular memories,  a  kind  of  cellular    soul program  that is constantly being upgraded  and  modified during      the soul’s brief  stay in the physical body.  So  could  it  be  ‘junk food in’ means ‘garbage out’,  by NOT,  putting the right nutrients in your body determines  everything  goes  wrong  through  negative  feedback  and     what you think about expands through Orinoco Flow!!!

    Another way of  looking at this battle between the communication between the brain and heart is always seeing it in steady conflict.  Is to       see it this way  the brains traits  are that of  being controlling,  blaming,  narcissistic, immature, whining  and  paranoid  with  so little  aversion     upon  itself.  Whereas  “if ”  you  have  any  heart  at  all  you’re  usually  humble,  patient,  pleasant  and  positive about the outcome.

    Entering  into  the Solitary Nucleus  which  is  a part  of  the  human      brain  forming  a  vertical  column  of  grey  matter  that’s  embedded in      the  medulla  oblongata.   Which  is  through  the  center  of  the  nucleus tractus solitarii  (NTS),  and  it  is  through  the  signals  in  this  area of       the brain that affects the respiratory networks, as well as,  oral cavity      and  gastrointestinal tract.  Terminating  in  different sub divisions  of         the parabrachial area’s but still interacting in the NTS. (Omega-3’s.)

    It’s this constant battle between the brain which damages the heart             by  exposing  it  to  constant  stress  in the search  for success.  The best example of  overcoming this vicious cycle is by thinking the good  fight     that Kris Carr put up…. when  she  was  told  her cancer was terminal.       She  kept  a  positive  attitude,  made  adjustment  through  knowledge          and basically  forgot she even had cancer!!!

Solitarius:  A  man  on  his  way  to  somewhere!!!!

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