Within Solitarius: My Main Goal has been to always supply the visitant with the best information that is on the world wide web. Regardless and in the top tag Childhood Cancer includes links for some of the best facilities in the United States. Along with other links where you can grab n’ go the information in a hurry?
Pediatric cancer cases are much different from adult cancer cases, whereas they develop much faster than cancer in adults, and for decades medical researchers have not been able to identify “why” around the globe. Recently however, researchers at the Center for Childhood Cancer and Blood Disease at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus Ohio have finally pin pointed the reason “why” pediatric cancer progress so quickly.
The Key according to Dr. Changxian Shen, PhD., whom is senior research associate at the center, and Dr. Peter Houghton PhD., who is the centers director. Lies in the checkpoints that encourage cells to repair themselves before they replicate their DNA. Many researchers believe cancer cells may flourish when these checkpoints are skipped or inhibited, as the mutated cells survive and rapidly reproduce.
Prior studies had shown that the DNA damage check point protein ATM, was ‘very low’ in most pediatric solid tumor cases. There are many different issues contributing to this phenomenon, first and foremost, are the over production of microRNAs reducing the amount of ATM that is created, which leads to cells circumventing the damage check point when this does happen. Cells that have mutated DNA are able to reproduce without going through the repair process that ATM is suppose to help SPARK.
Indeed Dr. Houghton, also turns his attention to the way in which this discovery can assist in creating more effective treatment options. These results help us to understand, not only, the early genesis of some tumors, but also, “why” so many solid tumors are sensitive to drugs and ionizing radiation that damage DNA.
This also help explain “why” in children not cured by these treatments. resistance to therapy arises ~ the rapid rate of mutation due to suppression of ATM. Potentially the rate of mutations that lead to drug or radiation resistance could be slowed by targeting the mTOR pathway [ which is responsible for the over production of microRNAs ]. Like me…. you don’t have to fully understand this research, however, The Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio would be a great starting point in your search for the answer for cancer.
Also Children’s Cancer Recovery Foundation supports families via numerous programs that are aimed at helping parents. Keep a roof over their children’s heads despite surmounting medical bills and providing gift’s to kids who are going through the stressful process of fighting their type of cancer. Ultimately, the goal of the program is to create the least stressful environment, so kids and love ones can focus their energy on healing and overcoming the threat cancer poses.