When I went to get my website secured so it wouldn’t end up in bad favor. The company who handles my security account told me the ones you have to be concerned hacking you are you’re closest friends. I thought impossible, however, I learned later those closest to you offer – up the starkest madness without knowing. Though out the duration of blogging, I only received one negative comment come through the website.
Most health conscientious visitants whom comes into the website realize. I emphasize prevention through awareness through nutrition and I’m not pretending to be a doctor. The information is the stuff everybody should know, it’s the options and points of views of all sides of the cancer battle; more or less a centralize hub of cancer research on the world wide web. As with this blog post: I know a doctor that drinks eight diet soda’s a day and has no health problems.
I prefer to stay away from drinking soda because for me it leaves me with aches and pains. In 1915, the national average for sugar consumption (per year) was miniscule, with todays standard around 15 to 20 pounds of high fructose corn syrup, plus the average person consumes his/her own weight. Americans are addicted to sugar and vital organs in the body are actually damaged by this gross intake of sugar.
I live by and in your home rule: while in the house I eat healthy and limit my soda consumption to almost (none, naughta, Zero, zip ~ zilch.) Many times so much calcium…. is used to neutralize the effects of sugar that the bones become osteoporotic due to the withdrawn calcium. Refined sugar is void of all nutrients, consequently it causes the body to deplete it’s own stores of various vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
If sugar consumption is continued, an over ~ acid condition results, and more minerals are than needed deep within the body to correct the imbalance. If the body is lacking nutrients used to metabolize sugar, it will not be able to properly handle and rid itself of the poisonous residues. These waste accumulate through the brain and nervous system, which speeds cellular death which can cause cancer as well.
In one study, published in the Journal of Molecular Cell; a team of researchers under Dr. Custodia Garcia – Jimenez. Having identified how sugar could directly increase your cancer risk. During digestion, cells in the intestine identifies this sugar and tells the pancreas to release insulin (the hormone responsible for blood sugar regulation.) These sugars in the digestive system use a hormone called GIP which assist in insulin release.
Dr. Garcia – Jimenez found that a specific protein known as S-Catenin controls the ability of the intestine to release GIP. As this protein is also dependent on sugar levels. Increased activity of S-catenin can make normal cells immortal. Which is a key step…. in early stage cancer progression, thereby, this study demonstrates that high (but not normal) sugar levels can induce nuclear accumulation of S-Catenin and lead to cell proliferation.
One of the keys to orderly brain function is glutamic acid, and this compound is found in many vegetables. When sugar is consumed, the bacteria in the intestines which manufacture B vitamin complexes begin to die. These bacteria normally thrive in a symbiotic relationship within the human body. When the B vitamin complex levels decline, the glutamic acid (normally transform into “go” “no go” directive neural enzymes by the B vitamins) is not processed.
Thereby, the blood becomes over – loaded with waste products and symptoms of carbonic poisoning results. As a result “sleepiness occurs,” as well decreased ability for short term memory function and numerical calculative abilities. Also we Americans consume almost 500% more soft drinks than we did in the 1940’s, although consumption has declined 40% since it’s peak in the 1970’s.