I. G. Edward Griffin: American film producer, author and political lecturer; turned health advocate in 1974. Within his published book: World Without Cancer and documentary video. Griffin asserts cancer is a metabolic disease facilitated with the insufficient dietary consumption of amygdalin, a view not endorsed by the medical profession.
Myself consuming dried apricots for prevention, however, Griffin advocates the use of laetrile, a semi ~ synthetic derivative of amygdalin as a treatment for cancer. Since the 1970’s, the use of laetrile to treat cancer has been described as canonical example of quackery banned in the United States. However, than President Ronald Reagan seeked out Dr. Hans Nieper in Germany, a regular practitioner helping him to beat cancer. WOW…. Longevity NOW!?!
II. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: New York City Cancer Specialist and physician having remarkable success treating patients diagnosed. With some of the most lethal forms of this dreadful disease that conventional medicine can not effectively address. Focusing on alternative treatments using three – pronged nutritional approach. One of the most interesting articles I found of his dismantling the Ketogenic Diet for cancer.
The cornerstone of his treatment is a personalized diet based on your nutritional and metabolic type. The second component an individualized supplement protocol designed for your particular metabolism, while thirdly, detoxification protocol helping your liver and kidney mobilize and eliminate dead toxic cancer cells. One worth while Dr. Gonzalez’s beliefs ~ is the usage of pancreatic enzymes for treating cancer.
III. Dr. Ray Sahelian M.D., obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nutrition from Drexel University, thereby, completing his Doctoral training from Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A popular, well respected physician and medical writer. Dr. Sahelian is internationally recognized as a moderate voice in the evaluation of natural supplements.
In his books, articles, and website he discusses both the benefits and risk factors of supplements. What separate Dr. Sahelian from all other doctors who write about supplements is he actually test various dosages of the herbs and nutrients to determine the effect they have. It is this method that has provided significant insight into herbs and supplements few medical doctors have discovered.
Myrna Brind Center 0f Integrative Medicine
IV. Dr. James Forsythe: native to Detroit, Michigan and graduating from University of California Berkeley in 1960; he was accepted at the University California San Francisco Medical School. Also to finance his education he turned to the U.S. Army Medical School Program, in return for financial assistance he agreed to serve in the military after school in 1964.
After fulfilling his military obligation in 1970 while joining the Army Reserves, he accepted a hematology and oncology fellowship at U.C.S.F. In 1974, Dr. Forsythe relocated to Reno, Nevada where he developed cancer wards at Saint Mary’s Hospital and Washoe Medical Center. Then later feeling disillusion with the poor performances in the early 1990’s. Dr. Forsythe began searching for better ways of integrating conventional oncology with alternative medicine starting Century Wellness Clinic.
V. Dr. Robert A. Nagourney: when he began studying cancer biology nobody had to explain the often fickled and unpredictable response to treatments. His guiding principle always has been to treat patients as uniquely different with different protocol based on diagnosis. Therefore in 1993, his quest to provide personalized diagnosis lead to the finding of Rational Therapeutics.
There at Rational Therapeutics testing your cancer against a number of standard chemotherapies. As well as the newest molecularly targeted agents. Typically, Rational Therapeutics analyzes your tumor response to 8 to 16 standards and combinations to identify which treatment works best to kill your personalized cancer cells.
VI. Dr. Lawrence Plaskett: graduated from Cambridge University in 1956 as a biochemist and completed his PH.D., at University Hospital Medical School London in 1960. During the latter 1970’s he developed his interest in unorthodox approach to clinical nutrition and Chinese medicine. Establishing a multi – discipline alternative clininc in S. W. United Kingdom and London’s Upper Harley Street.
With his experience working the borderlands between nutrition and medicine enabling him to offer a synthesis. Between many fields nutrition, pathology, biochemistry, toxicology, pharmacology, cellullar biology, naturopathy and homoeopathy. In his remarkable written book: The Nutritional Therapy of Cancer it comes as a surprise when he writes.
When you make a radical change to your diet the power of the body can destroy tumours. The biochemist, medical researcher, food industry expert, practitioner of nutritional, herbal and homoeopathic medicine. Theorize that nutrition can figure as a possible reversal of this dreadful disease, better than surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
This theory is heavily disputed in the cancer industry, however, when it’s possible to strengthen cells against the influence preventing the cancer cells to form. Also during the Cancer Nutritional Trust in 1997, Dr. Plaskett Cancer Protocol was put to the test by a sunstantial number 0f cancer patients until 2006 and 0ver half had their cancer go into remission while returning to good health.
VII. Dr. Francisco Contreras: believes tumours are but a symptom of a metabolic failure causing them to grow in the first place. Therefore, removing or destroying them…. without taking the necessary steps to restore the organic deficiencies causing them. Will account for most cancerous recurrences, thereby, understanding the cause n’ effect of the disease. Should be more important then granting successes to what happens to the tumor.
I’m not sure about the validity of all Mexican Clinics, however, for those cancer patients labeled terminal in the United States. Therefore, understanding differences of quality in clinics is important and not all clinics are created equal. At Oasis of Hope, renowned Dr. Contreras is worthy of mention. In September 2012, The Townsend Letter to physicians published…. the results of a five – year clinical and found Oasis of Hope second to none.
VIII. Dr. Thomas Rau: since 1992, has served as Medical Director of the Paracelus Klinik; just east of Zurick, Switzerland. A first 0f it’s kind clinic combining holistic medicine with naturopathic treatment. Requiring a commitment to changing, including attitude adjustment (the spirit, mind & body working in unison that provides a healing pathway.) If you have negativity your chance 0f illness is greater, therefore, reawakening, reinvigorating life forces ~ it’s ability to heal and regenerate is called Biological Medicine.
Bi0l0gical Medicine focuses on the whole body (spirit, mind & body) uncovering the true cause 0f illness while providing a comprehensive wellness solution. It’s also an understanding how the body functions and restoring the body to equilibrium, thereby, ending the symptoms, 0ptimizing health, while supp0rting the bodies own need to detoxify, strengthen digestion and build a healthy immune system.