Patients under going cancer treatment often experience, not only, nausea, pain and discomfort from their disease, but also, potentially debilitating side effects caused by their treatment. Chemotherapy without supplementation is wrong, seek the advice of a medical professional who is engaged in palliative care.
The goal of palliative care is to prevent or treat, as early as possible known side effects caused by treatment of the disease. Also called comfort care, and symptom management; it should include any and all psychological, social and spiritual problems (in America) that is related to the disease or it’s treatment.
Most patients who do not receive adequate palliative care usually turn to dietary supplements advertised as having anti cancer effects or being supportive of general health. Frequently without consulting a health care professional. These supplements are often herbs or other natural product.
“A common false belief is that… if it’s natural… it must be safe,” said Dr. Barre Cassileth; Cheif of the Medicine Science Services at Memorial Sloan – Kettering Cancer Center. However herbs and other dietary supplements are biologically active compounds. They frequently have negative adverse interactions with prescription pharmeaceuticals (this information from NCI Bulletin.)
Furthermore I have known patients from watching YourHealthTv and Dr Richard Becker. Whom himself being a cancer survivor that preaches the importance of antioxidants and probotics to keep a strong immune system. Chemotherapy itself generates free radicals and anti oxidants assist the good healthy cells from dispair.
While probotics assist the healthy cells of your digestive lining survive the onslaught of this dreadful poison. Which is vitally key for your survival of this dreadful treatment. We in the Miami Valley Ohio are blessed having Dr. Van Merkle living in our neighborhood. Dr. Merkle has extensive experience helping countless patients with various diseases overcome. These two cancer patients (kidney and breast) are examples of those whom he had assisted with his elaborate blood testing procedures.
Cancer Controversy with Dr. Len Saputo