How likely you have a relative die of cancer and you will die of cancer. With family history and environment contributing factors the likelihood of an individual showing signs or symptoms of medical conditions and disease of the same disease is slim to none. Chances of any given symptom of any disease coming from family is 10 percent.
Here’s why? When I look at my “family tree” all my relatives passed for and from different reasons. I have had some live passed in their 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. So it’s far ~ fetched to reason any and all prominent health conditions might be inherited based upon family history. So if your concerned because you’re the splitting image ~ get your regular check up or appropriate screening test.
However, your likelihood of passing from the same thing is marginal. Yet another myth to me is body mass index ~ I’ve seen all types have cancer and that includes the physical fit as well as the obese. I think the singular most important, however, is eating, drinking habits and how people handle emotional conflict ~ cope with the daily situations which causes depression and stress dictates you health.
Stressful events knock down your immune system which certainly can translate into accelerated growth of cancer cells. While continual stress and worry from unresolved conflict might inhibit your bodys ability to fight off cancer. Another possibility might be your nature – to – not – fight – if nature handles you a raw deal. If that situation is given ~ you must have a strong immune system to fight off disease.
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, the originator of Germanic New Medicine; being a believer that stressful events unfold unexpectly and it’s how well you will handle the unexpected determines your health. Being in great health his entire life, however, on August 8, 1978 when his son was shot to death. Thus realizing, himself ~ by developing testicular cancer; thought this emotional shot to his constitution produced the illness.
Being he ~ himself, a cancer specialist and havingthe avenue to discover; started examing his cancer patients past to determine “if” they had similiar emotional conquest in their lives. What he had determined is that indeed their is a correlation between cancer and stress just prior to the disease state. SO FIGHT 0r Flight Never Give Up!!