In 2006, it’s the lack of this information in this blog post that caused me severe depression and my attempt to dig myself of the dark hole that is depression. Luckily my physician knew me from the years of doctoring me that determined him to prescribe Lexapro as the best options for my bodily make up and chemistry. It’s only when you start mixing and try matching anti ~ depressants, where a person dealing with depression becomes a long term issue.
The knowledge of knowing that someone you know has terminal illness and NOT knowing enough to know your making the right decisions makes one anxiety striken to say the least. It’s that overwhelming feeling that causes depression and pounds your spirit into the ground. Unless you know your own family physician, as well as, him or her to know you; that depression could become overwhelming for you. As by watching the person whom has the terminal illness and is a terminal illness wrecking havoc on you emotional state as well.
Therefore since being a loyal observer of Dr. Richard Becker for future reference: on YourHealthT.V. and this day he was interviewing one of his regular quest. Whom is Dr. Richard Blaylock…. whom is author of the book Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients. Which is an important game plan to fight this dreadful disease through nutrition. With chemotherapy and also radiation providing dangerous consequences as also explain by Chris Wark in the top tag above.
However for the patient receiving the proper balance of healthy foods, vitamins, minerals and selective nutritional supplements. This foundation exhibits a slighty increase in the effectiveness of their chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Cancer treatments wages war on the body while also chemotherapy effects the rapidly dividing cells in your body. Therefore not having the ability to recognize the rapid healthy cells lining your G.I. Tract and the ability to absorb nutrients.
This action also interferes with your immune systems ability to fight the cancer. While also compromising your immune system even further. Cancer kills when it becomes evasive and metastasize, while chemotherapy and also radiation has little impact on a tumor; that invades and spreads. As long as it stays local…. it doesn’t present a problem. Under these type of treatments which forces the body to adapt to the conflict and stress it causes.
What this stress produces is chronic inflammation which suppresses the immune system and creates a condition that allows the cancer to become more agressive and invasive. Chronic inflammation is the root cause of about 70% of all patients that end up with cancer. Thereby “bowel flora” become disrupted with the immune system suppressed. Nutrition Therapy selectively designed for treatments…. can help with the side effects while adding a pyschological boosting effect of your treatment.
While making the situation and condition more manageable: what one needs to consider is a low sugar diet (reducing free radical acticity), limit soyfoods, moderate red meat which iron feeds cancer while avoiding the excitoxins (MSG, Aspartame, H.F.C.S., Hydrogenated (safflower, corn, canola and sunflower oils), and caseinate protein; preferring chicken, turkey and pork which is easier for the body to digest.
With some of the All Star Supplements that should be considered for their synergistic effect: Curamin & Quercetin for their powerful cancer prohibiton and antioxidant ~ anti – inflammatory effects. With another of the heavy hitters being Berberine ~ which being a component of Goldenseal enhances the immune system and suppresses the growth of a wide variety of tumor cells. While the synergistic effect of green tea and ellagic acid of the pomegranate and magnesium can also reduce inflammation.
The most vital of vitamins is vitamin D… which only can be obtain from the sun when it’s 45 degrees… overhead. Meaning during mid ~ day and not the early morning or later evening hours. While it does help keep cancer in check… it’s important not to assume that you have adequate amounts. That it’s also a fact 80% of the people in the United States are deficient in this one vital vitamin…. so it’s important to have blood test to determine the amount one should be consuming in supplement form.
Other supplements a cancer patient should be aware of are oil of oregano, probotics, colostrum, grape complex (200mg’s 4 times a day) and turmeric mixed with olive oil as a readily alternative for cooking oil. With the last mentioned being the King amongst Kings omega – 3’s. Which is a powerful inhibitor of cancer invasion, growth while also reducing inflammation and angiogensis. Omega – 3’s inhibit cancer from spreading and it’s important also to listen to your inner spirit and better judgement.