Since my first blog… that was written back just one year ago today. I feel the blog roll and archives have improved greatly and changed immensely from content as well as embedding you tube videos. These changes along with the manner in which they are typed… being I don’t have a medical background lends credibility to this project. While including websites so Solitarius becomes a self directive guide to the information that is on the internet about facts on cancer.
Therefore as you look back… over the last several blog post on the blog roll. You can sense… the many options and various treatments that is on the internet as well as in the medical profession. In the most recent blog post which was challenging in it’s own right to write up. I included information about Utah’s low rates of cancer in the United States, while also connecting the dot’s. I gave viable options so when you go to those Medical Institutions of your choice… having them tell you,”sorry we did all we can do for you…. the disease will have to run it’s course.”
Sinfully that’s a harsh reality, however, in October I tryed to also Organize this Kaotic System into words. While including the 18 major types of cancer seperately. Giving the visitant in each of the types various options to speak of with the best websites and links to the many options they have for medical institutions in the United States that may help with the specific type of cancer. These links should be used as a starting point…. to jump start your own discovery to the many options available to the terminally ill whom was written off ….by an institution that has simply given up on a cancer patient.
I’m really proud of the way in which those October into September blog post turned out because simply through experience I wish they had been there for my family. As I look back see the information included in the blog post the importance of sleeping well, fungal nature of cancer and low cholesterol increases your risk for cancer. I think low and behold… their really is some fact based opinion in those blogs. Also included in a synopsis of my Hot Tips for July Blog Post Map. It also explains preventive methods of preventing cancer through nutrition and reducing your risk factors of attracting cancer in the first place.
When I think of these factors for myself…. how smoking increases your risk between 70 – 80% whereas, proper nutrition decreases your risk by that same amount it only makes sense to strike a balance for a 160% improvment of risk factor against cancer. Therefore my main goal over the last year is to bring awareness against this awful and dreadful disease and the havoc it brings to the patient and health care system on the whole.
After researching this topic for the last seven 7 years, I feel the single most important factor to consider to combat this disease. Is to be conscious to the facts, not only, about vitamin deficiencies (antioxidants vitamin A, C, E and selenium), but also, including the importance about how protein can keep your levels of glutathione at it’s death defying immune fighting capacity. While also mentioning the importance of adequate levels of vitamin D that helps abolish any and all cases of cancer at about 70% chance reduce rates.
Even in the earlier stages of this website where from June until last December seems repetitive. Those fascinating facts might strike your fancy when you begin scrolling down the archives of this website. It’s a place where I find myself when I want to dream up ideals for future blog post. As I’m sure… I will find myself in 2013 looking for methods better pin pointing the answers to cancer in future blog post. In 2013, my goals and major accomplishments; I want to strive for will be to continue bringing the visitant more detailed better blog post, while starting a forum for cancer survivors to tell there true stories. I would like to include what works and from where they recieved their storied treatments of survival.