The worst cause of your worst health issues… like heart and circulation problems… memory loss… weaken immunity… stiff joints… and premature aging could stem from a serious condition called acid overload. This acid overload can also lead to irregular digestion and bowel movements, while causing you to be more fatiqued.
Just as acid can ruin a car battery and burn your skin with prolonged exposure on your skin… increased acidity in your cells and tissues can eat away at the lining of your arteries. While increasing your chances of both brain and cardio vascular disease.
High levels of acidity can also erode cartilage and cause inflamed joints while damaging skin cells which can contribute to premature wrinkling and aging issues. Therefore, your body works at it best when you’re in a state of alkaline and acid balance.
To prevent acidity you should eat acid forming foods only in moderation (high – fat meals, processed foods, fried foods, refined sugar, pasteurized dairy and white four products.) The pH “potential of hydrogen,” is measured in relativity of acidity and alkalinity with 7 to 7.5 being perfectly balanced and 0 to 7 indicating acidity and from 7 to 14 alkalinity.
HOT TIP #11 for July: While adding more nutritious alkaline foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains and high fiber foods. If you follow the 80/20 rule where you consume 80 percent alkaline foods and only 20 percent acid forming foods you would see a difference in your pH balance in no time. Limit soda pop…. because of the empty calorie content and the negatives it has on your pH balance.