Every disease known to man starts in the intestinal tract, where in, 85% of the immune system is, therefore, treating the intestinal flora also treats the disease. Intestinal dysbiosis should be considered a mechanism that promotes disease in patients with chronic gastro intestinal inflammatory or auto immune disorders. MSRA & Inulin!!!!
In the classical western diet which produces increased concentration of Bacteroides.sp and decreased concentration of the Bifido bacteria.sp. strain. Epidemological and experimental data implicate this type of dysbiosis in the pathogenesis of the colon and breast cancer. Living with this intestinal flora that has harmful effects may influence the development of inflammatory diseases and should receive considerable attention.
A putrefaction dysbiosis that is accompanied by an increase in fecal concentration of various bacterial enzymes which metabolizes bile acids into tumor promotors and deconjugate excreted estrogens raising the plasma estrogen which can cause ovarian and breast cancer. Thereby, putrefaction dysbiosis is corrected by decreasing dietary fat while increasing fiber and feeding probiotics, such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus preparations in the form of Kefir, yogurt, apple cider vinegar and cured sauerkraut et cetera.
The common yeast Candida Albican is present in every individual and normally the yeast lives harmlessly in the gastro intestinal tract, however, occasionally the yeast will over grow and lead to significant disease. When it’s prevalent in one’s intestinal tract it can lead to malabsorption, thereby, interferring with the normal absorption of nutrients and elimination of toxins which can be a breeding ground for cancer.
It can also cause a diminished immune system by lacking these nutrients, thereby, destroying the first defense barrier of the intestinal tract and also impairing liver function. Dysbiosis is a state of living with intestinal flora that has harmful effects and may influence the development of cancer.
HOT TIP #10 for July: Remember the paraphrase crap in – crap out and you are what you eat. The tummy is a huge part of your immune system and a fresh dose of probotics every once in a while maybe the best insurance policy you can take out on your health being your wealth.