The underlying affect of shedding obesity might be converting food and drink into energy. In a biochemical process called thermic effect of food we derived this energy through a process that is called metabolism. The autonomic systems of the body, such as breathing, cell repairing, blood circulation and hormone adjustment that requires energy to function even when the body is at rest.
While increasing physical activity is the best way to speed up – body metabolism, there are properties in various occasions that can also assist, example: Dr. Gary Gendron reports that key enzymes in your body are affected by omega 3 fatty acids. While burning fat (just 300 milligrams of this healthy fatty acid increases metabolism by upward 400 calories @ day.
Protein has a higher thermic effect on the body which means it requires more energy to process. While forms of lean – low fat protein should be eaten every 4 to 5 hours to ensure metabolism remains engaged. This also insures your metabolism doesn’t go into a fat storing phase while providing the body with the energy needed to survive.
Breakfast a great time to eat a high fiber meal because it will boost your metabolism after a long period of reduced activity. Because high fiber food requires higher amounts of digestion it will automatically boost metabolism by using up more energy. In addition to fiber…. certain fruits like the pectin in apples help regulate blood sugar.
Also dieters whom consume 1200 mg of calcium daily during the study of lost double the weight as subjects with insufficient calcium intake. While having one spicey meal per day, may help to increase your metabolic rate 25 percent for three hours after eating that type of meal.
Furthermore green tea – caffeine mixtures contain large amounts of tea catechins, such as EGCG that inhibits enzymes that degrade norepinephrine. This process speeds up the centralized nervous system and brain activities, increasing physical activity levels and ultimately fat burning potential.
A study that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed that a green tea – caffeine combination may stimulate both thermo- gensis and fat oxidation. Increased fat oxidation results when more oxygen is being delivered to muscles for physical activity and subsequent fat burning (never use an energy drink as a source for caffeine…. because the sugar and calorie content cancels out the metabolic increase.)
HOT TIP #9 for July: Look at it like this a negative caloric burn is putting in less then you take out. However, when you put a deposit into the food bank make it a worth while nutritious investment…. so you get great return on your investment while having greater long term health.
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