Colon cancer better known as bowel cancer that is a an elaborate muscle with uncontrolled cell growth in the large intestine, rectum, appendix or addendum. Colorectal cancer is a disease originating from the epithelial cells lining the colon or rectum from the gastro- intestinal tract. (Energy Healer.) (human nature.)
Another highly debatable and worth considering element is the chemicals in cooked meat. Researchers will speak of their impacts when heterocylicamines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and creatine is heated in cook meat and how that influences cancer.
Most frequently result of mutations in the Wnt signaling pathway that will artificially increase signaling activity. Better than 75 – 95% of colon cancer occurs in people with little to no genetic risk. With diagnosis via tumor biopsy typically done during sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy procedures giving cancer patients promise.
With the extent of the disease then determined by a CT-Scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis. The most common colon cancer cell type is adenocarcinoma which accounts for 95% of all cases. With the other rarer types that include( non-hodgkins ) lymphoma and also squamous cell carcinoma. LINAC Xray Technology
Often overlooked and misunderstood because most doctors with degrees just don’t want to do business in the basement. While we are talking colon lets talk how hemorrhoids can cause heart attacks if they are left untreated because all organs work in unison. With an obstruction in the colon…. most doctors should realize when those hemorrhoids become uncontrollable it’s unbearable.
Hemorrhoids develope like varicose veins in the legs becoming swollen and distended, however, when blood clots form inside any external hemorrhoid the pain can be sudden and severe. Because the blood vessels involved must continually battle gravity to get blood back up to the heart, some people believe hemorrhoids are part of the price some of us pay for being upright people.
By age 50, about half the population has experience one or more of the classic symptoms, which includes rectal pain, itching, bleeding and possibly prolapse (hemorrhoids that protrude through the anal canal.) Although hemorrhoids are rarely life threatening they can be recurrent and intrusive.
My own experience with intrusive: I had a colony of hemorrhoids with a polpy a few years back. That showed signs before treatment of pressure in the chest, stingers in the shins when walking long distance, pain in the buttocks, lower back pain and anything else that makes life unpleasant.
My recommendation through this experience is to find a proctogist whom treats hemorrhoids non surgically with Phenobarbital. That has the wisdom to know the difference between zinc oxide and knows that Preparation H & Tucks leaves hemorrhoids itching when your bout with them gets horrible enough. Top Over the Counters???