You reap what you sow and in the Hunza Valley home to some of the longest live people on this planet, and on the high mountain valley ….. nothing could be further from the truth. Where the Himalaya, Karakoram, Pamir’s and Hindukush all meet their literacy rate of 90% and virtually every child studies up to at least high school level, while many pursue higher study (high altitude Maca, Quinoa, Coca, Grapes & Wine/Supplement.)
The Hunzan people longest lifespan in the world may be trace to the fact that they are highly educated, their simple healthy organic diet, and drinking from glacial streams pouring down from the Himalaya’s. Some Hunzan people live into their 120 to 140 year age bracket virtually in good health and no cancer, degenerative disease, dental caries or bone decay (maybe the secret is in the mushroom)????? wikipedia reference.
One never really knows for sure when it comes to people, however, the town folk of Vilcabama, Ecuador. Those Ecuadorians that live in the High Andes of Ecuador , and some are reported to live upwards of 140 years ? (out of a population of 819 the town boasted that seven men and two women where older then 100 years old. Let’s put it in perspective that means there rate of 1,100 centenarians per 1oo,ooo population is quite interesting.
By contrast here in America our three centenarians per 1oo,ooo back in 1970 this pales in comparsion (we had 7,ooo back then and our present day rate of 5o,ooo and 315 million) still doesn’t even come close to that miraculous ratio. To meet there rate…. in America our rate would have to be 2,500,000 centenarians. Even more astonishing is the fact that 11.4% of Vilcabamians were over 60 years of age and compares with a rate of only 4.5% elsewhere in rural Ecuador.
If you think that you have to live in the High Andes of Ecuador or Himalaya’s remotely herding goats and growing organic. The Seventh Day Adventist of Loma Linda, California may prove to you it’s a small world after all. The Adventist also enjoy low degenerative disease rates and high life expectancy (some defy the United States norms and live well into their 9o’s and 1oo’s. Loma Linda University Medical Center
Around 9,ooo Adventist, that live in Loma Linda in San Bernadino County of California; despite the fact that it’s modern, it’s in the United States and it’s even quite polluted. Being downwind of Los Angeles when 34,000 Adventist enrolled in this 12 year study on diet, lifestyle and whether it can prevent illness…. the results released in 1985 created a longevity hot spot ( Secrets of Success ).
It was found that the adventist men could expect to live 7.3 years longer than the other California men. Whilst Adventist vegetarian men could expect to live to 83.3 which is 9.5 years longer. Adventist women, on the other hand, were more likely to live 4.4 years longer than other California women and Adventist vegetarian women 6.1 years longer (and with the likelihood of reaching the Elder Statemen ripe ole’ age of 85.7 years.)
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